10 Interesting Yemen Facts
Yemen Facts talk about an Arab country with the official name of Republic of Yemen. It sits in Western Asia. It covers the area of 203,850 square miles or 527,970 kilometer square. The coastline of Yemen extends on 1,200 miles or 2,000 kilometers. Oman is spotted to the east-northeast of Yemen. It also shares border with Saudi Arabia to the north. The Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden are spotted to the south; the west part is Red Sea. Here are other interesting facts about Yemen to notice:
Yemen Facts 1: the capital city
The city of Sana’a is the capital city of Yemen. Since February 2015, it was under the rebel control. The capital city of Yemen is moved to a port city called Aden.
Yemen Facts 2: Yemen’s territory
Socotra is the largest island in Yemen. Actually, the country is a home to more than 200 islands.
Yemen Facts 3: religion
Judaism and local paganism were already flourished in Yemen when Christianity came in 4th century. In 7th century, Islam was rapidly flourished in Yemen. The beginning of Islamic conquest was contributed by the presence of Yemenite troops. Look at facts about Venezuela here.
Yemen Facts 4: administration
Throughout the history, Yemen had to struggle with its administration. In 9th to 16th centuries, a number of dynasties emerged to rule Yemen. The wealthiest and most powerful one is the Rasulid dynasty.
Yemen Facts 5: in beginning of 20th century
In the beginning of 20th century, the area of Yemen was under the control of British Empire and Ottoman Empire. After the First World War, Zaydi Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen was founded in North Yemen. In 1962, Yemen Arab Republic was established.
Yemen Facts 6: the Aden Protectorate
Until 1967, South Yemen was recognized as the Aden Protectorate under the British Empire. Then it earned the independence. Later it was turned into a Marxist state.
Yemen Facts 7: the modern republic of Yemen
The modern republic Yemen was established in 1990 by uniting two Yemeni states.
Yemen Facts 8: economy
In Middle East, Yemen is considered as the poorest country. It is included in the list of developing countries. It was depicted as a kleptocracy under the presidency of Ali Abdullah Saleh. Get facts about Wales here.
Yemen Facts 9: political crisis
Since 2011, Yemen has to deal with political crisis. The street protests occurred for various reasons. They were against the plan of President Saleh to eliminate the term limit of a president. Others were related to corruption, unemployment and poverty.
Yemen Facts 10: Hell on Earth
Yemen was called Hell on Earth because of cholera, famine and war which struck the country.
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