10 Interesting South Sudan Facts
Get the interesting information about a country in Africa on Facts about South Sudan. Before 10th century, South Sudan had been settled by the Nilotic people like the Kaligi, Anyuak, Bari, Acholi, Zande and Shilluk. Equatoria was settled by the Bari and Acholi, while the Bahr El Ghazal and Upper Nile Regions were inhabited by the Anyuak Dinka, Nuer and Shilluk during the 15th to 19th century. Let us find out the complete information about South Sudan below:
South Sudan Facts 1: Equatoria Region
Equatoria Region featured the largest state in South Sudan for it was established by the Baka, Mundu, Azande and Avukaya in 16th century. Get facts about Republic of Congo here.
South Sudan Facts 2: the largest ethnic group in South Sudan
The largest ethnic group in South Sudan is the Dinka. The second and third largest ones are the Nuer and Azande respectively. The fourth largest one is the Bari.
South Sudan Facts 3: where to find the largest ethnic groups
The largest ethnic groups in South Sudan are concentrated on the Western Bahr el Ghazal, Central Equatoria, the Adio of Azande client in Yei, Tombura, Yambio and Maridi districts.
South Sudan Facts 4: the first independent election
In 1958, the first independent election was conducted in Sudan. However, Khartoum’s ignorance on the south leads into the revolt and uprising. It marked the longest civil war. Check facts about Palau here.
South Sudan Facts 5: slavery
Slavery was common in Sudan. In 19th century, the slave trade was increased. To fulfill the need of slaves, thousands of people in South Sudan were captured.
South Sudan Facts 6: the population
The people who live in South Sudan are estimated around 8 million. Since there has been no census conducted in the country, it is hard to estimate the number of population.
South Sudan Facts 7: the economy
Farming is considered as the most important source of economy in South Sudan.
South Sudan Facts 8: the civil war
The two civil wars took place in South Sudan since its independence. During the first Civil War, the government had to deal with the Anyanya rebel army from 1955 until 1972. More than 20 years, the Second Civil war in the country took place.
South Sudan Facts 9: the impact of civil wars
The civil wars brought negative impacts to the life of the people. The country faced the major displacement and destruction.
South Sudan Facts 10: the victims
Millions of Sudanese people became the refugees in other countries. At least 2.5 million people were killed during the war.
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