10 Interesting the Pink River Dolphin Facts

Thursday, September 29th 2016. | Animals

The Pink River Dolphin Facts will tell the readers about the Inia geoffrensis or Amazon River dolphin. Due to the pink body, it is called pink river dolphin. The family of this species is Iniidae. It is considered as toothed whale. The Orinoco river dolphin, Bolivian river dolphin and Amazon River dolphin are the three subspecies. Check other interesting facts about pink river dolphin in the following post below:

The Pink River Dolphin Facts 1: the distribution of the three subspecies

Just like the name of the subspecies suggested, they can be found in Orinoco Basin, Madeira River of Bolivia and Amazon Basin.

The Pink River Dolphin Facts 2: the largest species

Pink river dolphin or Amazon River dolphin is considered as the largest one of the three subspecies.

the pink river dolphin facts

the pink river dolphin facts

The Pink River Dolphin Facts 3: the weight of pink river dolphin

The length of the adult male pink river dolphin reaches 8.2 feet or 2.5 metres. The weight reaches 408 lb or 185 kg. Check facts about dolphin here.

The Pink River Dolphin Facts 4: the body color

Pink river dolphin has the prominent pink color when it reaches adulthood. The pink color is bolder in males than in females.

the pink river dolphin image

the pink river dolphin image

The Pink River Dolphin Facts 5: the sexual dimorphism

It is very easy to differentiate the male and female pink river dolphins. The males have 55 percent more weight and 16 percent longer body than the female counterparts do.

The Pink River Dolphin Facts 6: a melon

There is a prominent organ owned by pink river dolphins. It is called a melon, which is also owned by other toothed whales. Do you know the function of the organ? The melon is for bio sonar.

the pink river dolphin images

the pink river dolphin images

The Pink River Dolphin Facts 7: other important parts of pink river dolphin

Pink river dolphin has large pectoral fins and short dorsal fin. The maneuverability of pink river dolphin is impressive due to the relative fin size.  It is easier for them to capture the prey and navigate the river forest.

The Pink River Dolphin Facts 8: the diet of pink river dolphin

The diet of pink river dolphin is diverse. There are 53 distinctive types of fish that they consume such as piranhas, tetras and catfish.

the pink river dolphin pictures

the pink river dolphin pictures

The Pink River Dolphin Facts 9: the primary threat of pink river dolphin

The major threats for pink river dolphin are hunting and loss of habitat.

The Pink River Dolphin Facts 10: the female size

The female pink river dolphin has the weight around 100 kg or 330 lb and length of 2.15 m or 7.1 feet.  Look at facts about bottlenose dolphins here.

the pink river dolphin

the pink river dolphin

Are you interested reading facts about the pink river dolphin?

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