10 Interesting the Kakapo Facts

Saturday, July 30th 2016. | Animals

Let me show you the interesting information about an owl parrot on The Kakapo Facts. The word kakapo is taken from Maori. The meaning is night parrot. This animal is nocturnal and flightless. They are native to New Zealand and a member of Strigopoidea family. The body of this parrot is large. They can be seen dwelled on the ground. Here are other interesting facts about the kakapo to notice:

The Kakapo Facts 1: the unique traits

Have you seen kakapo before? The parrot has some unique traits. It has vibrissa like feathers, unique facial sensory disc, yellow-green plumage, large feet, short legs, a large grey beak, and a long tail.

The Kakapo Facts 2: the flightless parrot

As I have stated before, kakapo is the only flightless parrot in the world. Talking about the weight, it also takes the record as the heaviest parrot.

The Kakapo Facts

The Kakapo Facts

The Kakapo Facts 3: the life of kakapo

The male parental care is not presented in the life of a kakapo. The basal metabolic rate of this parrot is very low. It is also a herbivorous animal. Check facts about dodo birds here.

The Kakapo Facts 4: the importance of kakapo

The Maori people also consider kakapo as an important bird just like the other bird species in New Zealand. Kakapo has been featured in various folklore and traditional legends of Maori. The indigenous people used kakapo as a resource.

The Kakapo Colors

The Kakapo Colors

The Kakapo Facts 5: the use of kakapo

The feathers of kakapo were used to create different types of clothes. The meat was eaten as a food source. Some people also had kakapo as a pet.

The Kakapo Facts 6: the status

Kakapo has the status as the critically endangered species. The Kakapo Recovery programme reported that it only had 123 living individuals in 2011.

Facts about The Kakapo

Facts about The Kakapo

The Kakapo Facts 7: the reduced population of Kakapo

The population was reduced significantly because of the introduction of various predators such as stoats, rats, ferrets and cats during the Polynesian and European colonization. Check facts about kiwi birds here.

The Kakapo Facts 8: conservation

In 1890s, the conservation to relieve kakapo started. But it was failed. In 1980s, there was kakapo recovery plan conducted.



The Kakapo Facts 9: the place of living

The living kakapos have been kept on Codfish, Anchor and Little Barrier Islands as of April 2012 because the islands are free from predators.

The Kakapo Facts 10: the weight and length

The adult kakapo has the weight around 2 until 9 lb. The length reaches 23 to 25 inches.

The Kakapo Pictures

The Kakapo Pictures

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