10 Interesting Oceania Facts
Oceania Facts give the detail information about the regions which include Micronesia, Melanesia, Australasia and Polynesia. There are many countries included in Oceania. If you want to know the detail ideas about Oceania, check the following post below:
Oceania Facts 1: Micronesia
The countries included in Micronesia are The Marshall Islands, Guam, Kiribati, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Northern Mariana Islands, Nauru and Wake Island. The location of Micronesia is on the east of Philippines and north of Melanesia.
Oceania Facts 2: Australasia
The countries in Australasia include New Zealand, Cocoa Islands, Australia, Norfolk Island and Christmas Island.
Oceania Facts 3: Polynesia
Polynesia covers the areas of the Cook Islands, the Pitcairn Islands, Easter Island, Tonga, Futuna, French Polynesia, American Samoa, Tuvalu and Wallis, and many more. It is located on the east of Melanesia and Micronesia.
Oceania Facts 4: Melanesia
Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Solomon Island and New Caledonia are located in Melanesia. It is located on the northeast of Australia. Inside the Oceania, there are at least 300,000 islands.
Oceania Facts 5: languages
Oceania has more than 30 different languages. The languages include Spanish, English, Indonesian, French and Spanish. The local people also speak their own indigenous languages.
Oceania Facts 6: the total population
It is not easy to estimate the total population of the people living in Oceania. But we can find out that there are 4 million people in New Zealand, 23 million people in Australia, 5 million people Papua New Guinea.
Oceania Facts 7: food
What about the food of the people in Oceania? Most of them used fish and sea food as the main cuisine. BBQ is very popular in Australia. You can also find the unique local fruits such as Kiwi and Granny Smith apples.
Oceania Facts 8: sheep
The most common animal that you can see in New Zealand and Australia is sheep. The number of the sheep is 20 for each person in New Zealand and 15 sheep for each person in Australia. Find out Australia facts here.
Oceania Facts 9: tourism industry
One of the biggest industries in Oceania lies on the tourism. Each year, it is visited by more than 12 million people around the world. The most popular countries include Papua New Guinea, Australia, Fiji, Guam and New Zealand.
Oceania Facts 10: the largest country in Melanesia
Do you know the largest country in Melanesia? It is Papua New Guinea. The people living here are around 5 million people.
Guam is called as the largest island in Micronesia by population. It is inhabited by 160,000 people. Are you interested reading facts about Oceania?