10 Interesting Jane Austen Facts
Jane Austen facts can be your basic in how to gain better info related to this famous woman in India. There are many things that you don’t really know about this woman actually. The information below can be your basic to understand about her.
Jane Austen Facts 1: 14 kisses
She was so much famous of her novels. There are actually about 14 kisses within his novels. You can gain review from any of available novels out there about her indeed. So, you need to know the most in how to get the best review first.
Jane Austen Facts 2: baseball
There was earliest recorded usage of the word baseball within English novels. It was in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey. It was written in 1798-1799.
Jane Austen Facts 3: original name
Any of you need to know about original name of the novel such as Pride and Prejudice. It was First Impressions. It was submitted to a publisher without getting any success under the original name.
Jane Austen Facts 4: cap
There was significant fact that Jane Austen always wore a cap in her daily life. This information was based on her niece.
Jane Austen Facts 5: dinner party
Jane Austen was the first writer in using the phrase dinner party. It was on novel Mansfield Park, Chapter 41. Any of you need to basically recognize about this the most indeed.
Jane Austen Facts 6: brothers and sister
Jane Austen actually had 6 brothers and also sister. It is a fact that Jane Austen and also her sister named Cassandra died unmarried.
Jane Austen Facts 7: Harris Bigg-Wither
It was on December 1802 when Jane Austen accepted a marriage proposal from Harris Bigg-Wither.
Jane Austen Facts 8: turned down marriage
Although Jane Austen accepted the proposal for marriage from Harris Bigg-Wither, you may recognize that she had turned him down next day because she didn’t love Harris. It was a surprising decision of her.
Jane Austen Facts 9: Pride and Prejudice
The title of her novel Pride and Prejudice was inspired mainly by the book entitled Cecilia. It was written by Fanny Burney.
Jane Austen Facts 10: death
Jane Austen actually died in the age of 41. The reason of her death was because of the certain disease such as tubercular disease of the kidneys.
There were more facts about Jane Austen out there. You can gain information related to it further if you may notice more about it. So, just be attentive in gathering information first about this person.