10 Interesting the Cotton Top Tamarin Facts
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts inform you with a small new world monkey which has the scientific name Saguinus Oedipus. You have to spot the forehead and the shoulder of this animal for it has the long white sagittal crest. The weight of cotton-top tamarin is less than 1.1 lb or 0.5 kilogram. It is considered as the diurnal and arboreal animal. You can spot them living in the northwestern Colombia at the secondary forests and tropical forest edges. Here are other interesting facts about cotton-top tamarin to note:
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts 1: the social behaviors
There are various social behaviors performed by cotton-top tamarin. In some groups, dominance is very important because it only allows the dominant ones to breed. The other females in the group will never be able to breed. It is prevented by the female cotton top tamarin using pheromones. In most cases, the twins will be delivered by the females.
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts 2: the main foods for cotton top tamarin
The plants exudates and insects are considered as the main diet for cotton top tamarin. In the tropical ecosystem, cotton top tamarin has its role as a seed dispenser.
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts 3: the studies about cotton top tamarin
Many people like to study about the cotton top tamarin because they are interested with the spiteful behavior and cooperative care.
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts 4: the communication
The communication among the members of cotton top tamarin is also an important subject to learn. The experts believe that there is a dramatic structure used when the animals communicate.
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts 5: the export
Before 1976, cotton top tamarin was extensively used in biomedical research. Therefore, around 40,000 individuals had been captured and exported. Then the export was banned by CITES. The animals are protected now.
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts 6: the risk of population
The population of cotton top tamarin is still at risk because the lowland forest in northwestern Colombia is damaged.
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts 7: the population of cotton top tamarin
Today, there are only 6,000 cotton top tamarins which live in the wild area. Check facts about termite here.
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts 8: the status
Due to the small number of cotton top tamarin population, it receives the status as the critically endangered animal in the world.
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts 9: the small size
Cotton top tamarin is very small. The body length is only 8.2 to 10.2 inches. It has the weight at 15.2 oz. Get facts about cane toad here.
The Cotton Top Tamarin Facts 10: the male and female
It is not easy to distinguish the male and female cotton top tamarin because both sexes have the similar weight and body size.
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