10 Interesting Victoria Australia Facts

Thursday, March 2nd 2017. | States

If you want to know the state located in southeast Australia, look at Victoria Australia Facts. The area around Port Phillip Bay is the considered as the center of population in Victoria. In the Australian mainland, Victoria is the smallest state by area. South Australia shares its border with Victoria to the west. The Koori is used to call the collective Aboriginal people who once lived in Victoria before the British European people settled here. Let me show you other useful facts about Victoria below:

Victoria Australia Facts 1: the British claim

In 1788, the entire Australian continent was claimed by the British. The area around the Sullivan Bay was the first settlement created in 1803.  The Port Phillip District established in 1836 covered the present day Victoria.

Victoria Australia Facts 2: the new status of Victoria

In 1851, Victoria was granted with a new status as a separate colony. In 1855, it was granted as self-government.

Facts about Victoria Australia

Facts about Victoria Australia

Victoria Australia Facts 3: Victorian gold rush

The important event, which changed the life of people in Victoria, was the gold rush, which took place in 1850s and 1860s. The wealth of the colony was increased significantly. Many people decided to migrate to Victoria to earn gold. Thus, the population was increased.

Victoria Australia Facts 4: Melbourne

The financial center was located in Melbourne during the gold rush. Moreover, it appeared as the largest city in Australasia. Check facts about South Australia here.

Victoria Australia 1867

Victoria Australia 1867

Victoria Australia Facts 5: the federal capital

The federal capital of Australia was located in Melbourne. Since 1927, Canberra has taken the status until this present day. In the past, the Parliament House of Melbourne was the meeting place for Federal Parliament.

Victoria Australia Facts 6: politics in Victoria

Victoria has 12 seats in the Australian senate and 37 seats in House of Representatives of Australia. The upper house called Legislative Council and lower house called Legislative Council make up the Parliament of Victoria at the state level.

Victoria Australia History

Victoria Australia History

Victoria Australia Facts 7: the current premier

The current premier of Victoria is Daniel Andrews. Labor Party governs the state now. Linda Dessau is the Governor of Victoria who serves as the personal representative of Queen of Australia.

Victoria Australia Facts 8: the diversified economy

The economy of Victoria is focused on wholesale, education, health, property services, financial services, hospitality and retails. Look at facts about Tasmania here.

Victoria Australia

Victoria Australia

Victoria Australia Facts 9: the largest stadium

The largest stadium in Australia is located in Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Victoria Australia Facts 10: the public universities

University of Melbourne is the oldest public university in Victoria. It was established in 1853.

Victoria Australia Facts

Victoria Australia Facts

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