10 Interesting the Trenches in World War 1 Facts
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts present ideas about the type of trench line built during the First World War. The troops involved in the war had different tactics. The lack of tactical doctrine was spotted in the British Army. The German focused more on the usage of firepower. Therefore, they had machine guns and howitzers. On the other hand, French focused more on the surprising and fast attacks.
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts 1: the entrenchments
The entrenchments and covers were allowed to use by the army during the First World War. However, there was an assumption that the entrenched troops could be damaged by using artillery. Check facts about Persian Gulf War here.
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts 2: digging
During the onset of the First World War, one of standard practices was digging the trenches. To attack the troops in trenches, the outflanking operation was performed.
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts 3: the race to the sea
The race to the sea was developed due to the attempts of both sides after the 1914 Battle of the Aisne. The trench lines which spanned from south of Swiss boundary to North Sea coast in Belgium were made in a matching pair by the Allies and Germans.
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts 4: Spring Offensive
On 21st, March 1918, Spring Offensive was launched by German troops, which led into the failure of trench warfare.
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts 5: the casualties
Due to the absence of open flanks on the continuous trench lines, it was unavoidable to have frontal attacks. Both the attackers and defenders had the similar casualties.
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts 6: the broken trenches
During the Battle of the Somme, the rigid trench warfare was broken down.
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts 7: the design of early trenches
You are wrong if you think that the design of early trenches was complicated. The army fighting hand in hand was spotted in the trenches due to the lack of transverses. Get facts about world war 2 here.
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts 8: the heavy casualties
The heavy casualties were inevitable because of the fire from the artillery. The front trench then was only held by few soldiers.
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts 9: the barbed wire
The barbed wires were installed to secure the trenches from the attackers. The reparation on the wires was performed by wiring parties per night.
The Trenches in World War 1 Facts 10: the development of trenches
Then the trenches were developed. They became more complicated than ever. The attacks from the mass infantry and artillery could be resisted.
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