10 Interesting Abraham Lincoln Facts

Thursday, June 20th 2013. | History

If you are interested to know more about the presidents in US, you need to note on the following Abraham Lincoln facts. Abraham Lincoln is one of the well-known US presidents. Many people admire him as a good president. In this post I will show you about his early life, family and assassination of his son.

Abraham Lincoln Facts 1: Heirs

Abraham Lincoln had no heirs at all. He married Mary Todd. Both had four sons. But all of them died. The only son who could live until adulthood was Robert.

Abraham Lincoln Facts 2: Women’s Rights

Abraham Lincoln made a major decision by supporting the woman right. Lincoln gave the women the right to vote.

Abraham Lincoln and Kid

Abraham Lincoln and Kid

Abraham Lincoln Facts 3: Robert Lincoln

Robert Lincoln could escape from Edwin Booth who wanted to kill him when he was in a train station. Edwin Booth was the bother of John Wilkes Booth. His brother was the man who killed Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln Facts 4: Civil War

Civil War is one of the prominent historical events in US. Lincoln wanted to participate in the civil war be he could do it for his job is to lead the country.

Abraham Lincoln Memorial

Abraham Lincoln Memorial

Abraham Lincoln Facts 5: Beard of Lincoln

When you imagine Abraham Lincoln, you will always remember his beard. This man never shaved his beard when he worked in the presidential office.

Abraham Lincoln Facts 6: J. Summerfield Staples

J. Summerfield Staples fought on the war to substitute Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln Facts 7: A Good Inventor

Abraham Lincoln is an inventor. He got a patent for a tool to lift a ship. Even though his invention received a patent, the tool was never used.

Abraham Lincoln Facts 8: Assassination of Presidents and Robert Lincoln

It seems that Roberts Lincoln is not a lucky man. He has witnessed three assassinations of presidents. When he was in a train station, he saw the President James Garfield’s assassination. When Robert was in a New York fair he saw the assassination of President William McKinley. He also witnessed when his father was killed.

US President

US President

Abraham Lincoln Facts 9: First Inaugural Photograph

The first president who had the first inaugural photo was Abraham Lincoln. In the picture, he stood beside his future assassin, John Wilkes Booth.

Abraham Lincoln Facts 10: Lincoln and Kennedy

People always link Lincoln with Kennedy. Both were assassinated in similar Friday. Lincoln was elected in the presidency 1860, while Kennedy was in 1960. The successors for both men named Johnson. Kennedy’s successor was Lyndon Johnson, while Lincoln was Andrew Johnson. Lyndon was born in 1908, while Andrew was in 1808. There are too many coincident between Kennedy and Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln Pic

Abraham Lincoln Pic

Reading the history is changeling and fun for you know the life on the people in the past. Even though Abraham Lincoln is no more, the man is considered as the biggest figures in US. Do you have any comment on facts about Abraham Lincoln?

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