10 Interesting the Revolutionary War Weapons Facts
If you want to know all types of weapons used by the Americans, check the Revolutionary War Weapons Facts. There were various types of weapons created by the Americans by furnishing their own weapons when they served in the militia. They often used the fowling pieces or even muskets as the primary guns. Here are other facts about weapons in the revolutionary war:
The Revolutionary War Weapons Facts 1: the common weapons
The common weapons using for both sides in American revolutionary war were bayonet and brown Bess musket.
The Revolutionary War Weapons Facts 2: the usage of a musket
Do you know the function of a musket? It was used by the American colonists to have a single shot ball. The weapon could perform the shotgun effect if it was used to shot the various projectiles. Get facts about the French and Indian War here.
The Revolutionary War Weapons Facts 3: the variations of Brown Bess
The Long Land Pattern and the Short Land Pattern were the two variations of Brown Bess used during the American Revolutionary War. The Long Land was heavier, bulkier and longer than the Short Land.
The Revolutionary War Weapons Facts 4: the American fighters
The Long Land Pattern was mainly used by the American fighters.
The Revolutionary War Weapons Facts 5: the import of Charleville Muskets
During the American Revolutionary War, Charleville Model 1763 and 1766 muskets were heavily imported from France to United States. The Springfield Musket of 1795 inspired the design of Charleville 1766.
The Revolutionary War Weapons Facts 6: the design of long riffles
The Jäger rifle inspired the design of long riffles. The production of the riffles was at the hand of the German gunsmiths in Pennsylvania. That is why the riffles were called as the Pennsylvania riffles. The light infantry as well as the snipers implemented the riffles.
The Revolutionary War Weapons Facts 7: the drawbacks of long riffles
The long riffles had several drawbacks such as lack of standardization, high cost and complicated reloading process. During the battles of New Orleans and Saratoga, this weapon was mainly applied. Look at facts about the English Civil War here.
The Revolutionary War Weapons Facts 8: the role of a bayonet
Bayonet played an important role during the American war because it could prevent the drawback of muskets. The bayonet had higher accuracy and effectiveness than the muskets.
The Revolutionary War Weapons Facts 9: the worst wounds
Being hurt by bayonet was worse than being shot. The bayonet may tear the skin rather than cut it.
The Revolutionary War Weapons Facts 10: William Grice
William Grice created the Pattern 1776 Rifle for British Army. There were at least 1,000 pieces of riffles produced for the army.
What do you think on facts about the revolutionary war weapons?