10 Interesting the Battle of Bosworth Facts

Wednesday, February 3rd 2016. | History

The Battle of Bosworth Facts informs you with the last important battle in the Wars of Roses.  It was one of the significant battles in the English history. The war occurred in 15th century between the House of York and House of Lancaster. The House of Lancaster was the winner in the Battle of Bosworth. Both sides had the war on August 22nd, 1485. Here are some interesting facts about the battle of Bosworth.

The Battle of Bosworth Facts 1: Tudor Dynasty

The first English monarch who came from the Tudor Dynasty was Earl of Richmond, Henry Tudor. He was the leader of House of Lancaster.

The Battle of Bosworth Facts 2: the end of Plantagenet dynasty

The end of the Plantagenet dynasty was marked in the Bosworth Field. It also defined the Welsh and English history.

The Battle of Bosworth Facts

The Battle of Bosworth Facts

The Battle of Bosworth Facts 3: the beginning of Richard’s reign

In 1483, the reign of Richard began. He got the throne because of the death of Edward V, his 12-year old nephew. He was considered ineligible to become a king.

The Battle of Bosworth Facts 4: the popularity

The popularity of Richard was decreased because the disappearance of his younger brother. The people also believed that he had something to do with the death of his own wife.

The Battle of Bosworth Image

The Battle of Bosworth Image

The Battle of Bosworth Facts 5: the first attempt

Henry Tudor who came from the House of Lancaster challenged the claim of Richard as the successful for the throne. In 1483, Henry made the first move to attack England. However, it was canceled because of storm.

The Battle of Bosworth Facts 6: the second attempt

On 7 August 1485, Henry Tudor made the second move to conquer England. Henry and his army arrived on the southwest coast of Wales. Find facts about Battle of Antietam here.

The Battle of Bosworth Pic

The Battle of Bosworth Pic

The Battle of Bosworth Facts 7: the support

Henry Tudor and his army earned support as they marched to London. Both met at the south of Market Bosworth in Leicestershire.

The Battle of Bosworth Facts 8: the popular Battle of Bosworth

Tudor Dynasty was considered as the start of a new age. The chroniclers were hired by the new King to give favorable portrayal on his reign.


The Battle of Bosworth

The Battle of Bosworth

The Battle of Bosworth Facts 9: the glamorized battle

Battle of Bosworth was glamorized in 15th to 18th centuries. It was seen a battle between the good and evil. Get facts about Battle of Britain here.

The Battle of Bosworth Facts 10: Richard III

Richard III was the play made by William Shakespeare. It provided the climax later adapted in various movies.

The Battle of Bosworth Pictures

The Battle of Bosworth Pictures

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