10 Interesting the Painted Lady Butterfly Facts
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts inform the readers about the Cynthia group of colorful butterflies. The group is included in the family Nymphalidae and genus Vanessa. Due to the colorful look, they are very popular in many parts of the world. Vanessa annabella or West Coast lady, Vanessa virginiensis or American painted lady, Vanessa kershawi or Australian painted lady and Vanessa cardui or painted lady are the members of the groups. The global distribution is spotted on Vanessa cardui. Check other interesting facts about the painted lady butterfly below:
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts 1: the physical description of Vanessa cardui
The painted lady is considered as a large butterfly. It has the wingspan at 2 until 3.5 inches or 5 to 9 cm. The wings feature the dark orange and black spots with the body decorated with the black and white corners.
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts 2: The American Painted Lady
The ventral side The American Painted Lady features two large hindwing eyespots which differentiate the species with other members of the group. Find facts about Monarch Butterfly here.
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts 3: the ventral eyespots
The ventral eyespots of V. annabella or west coast lady are not obvious. There are three up to four blue pupils found on the submarginal row of hindwing spot of the butterfly.
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts 4: Vanessa kershawi
The painted lady and the Australian painted lady often resemble similar appearance. The dorsal hindwing usually feature at least 3 blue pupil spots. But you can also find some of them having four pupils.
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts 5: the lifespan
How long the painted lady butterflies live? It has a very short lifestyle. They can be found living around two until four weeks.
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts 6: the most well known painted lady butterfly
The most recognizable painted lady butterfly in the world is Vanessa cardui. People simply call it painted lady.
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts 7: where to find the painted lady
Painted lady has great distribution in the world. But you cannot find them in South America and Antarctica. In Australia, they can only be found in Rottnest Island, Fremantle and Bunbury due to the limited range. Check facts about butterfly here.
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts 8: the Australian painted lady
Just like its name suggested, the Australian painted lady can be found dominating at least 50 percent of Australian’s range.
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts 9: migration
In spring, the painted lady will migrate. When the autumn season comes, they sometimes migrate again. The butterfly likes to live in warm regions.
The Painted Lady Butterfly Facts 10: the diet
The aphid honeydew and flower nectar are the primary foods for adult painted lady.
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