10 Interesting the Last Supper Facts
If you are interested to know more about a mural painting, check The Last Supper Facts. Leonardo da Vinci created this mural in the late of 15th century. The location of this mural is in Milan at the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie. The Last Supper is considered as the notable painting in the world. It is often featured in many types of popular culture. Let’s check other interesting facts about The Last Supper below:
The Last Supper Facts 1: the convent building
Ludovico Sforza was the Duke of Milan who became Leonardo’s patron for building the convent. The Last Supper was a part of the church renovation plan.
The Last Supper Facts 2: the images depicted in the mural
The inspiration of The Last Supper was from Gospel of John, 13:21 for it was depicted the scene when Jesus and his disciples had the Last Supper. Get facts about the French Impressionists here.
The Last Supper Facts 3: announcement
Jesus announced that one of his Twelve Disciples would betray him. It was depicted in The Last Supper.
The Last Supper Facts 4: the Last Supper today
The remains of the original painting of The Last Supper are very small due to the intentional damage, environmental factors and usage of methods. But the experts have tried to restore the painting several times.
The Last Supper Facts 5: the measurement of The Last Supper
The measurement of The Last Supper is 180 inches x 350 inches or 460 cm x 880 cm. This painting is located at the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy. It occupied the end wall of a dining hall.
The Last Supper Facts 6: a refectory
When Leonardo da Vinci painted the room, it was not a refectory. Actually the theme of the painting was considered as a traditional one for a dining hall.
The Last Supper Facts 7: the beginning of The Last Supper
In 1495, Leonardo da Vinci started the project for painting The Last Supper. In 1498, the project finished. He did not do the painting continuously. Check facts about the Colour Wheel here.
The Last Supper Facts 8: the delay
Leonardo was complained by the monastery about the delay when he created the painting. He stated that he still tried to figure out the best villainous face for Judas on the painting.
The Last Supper Facts 9: the copies of The Last Supper
Leonardo assistants were presumed to create two early copies of The Last Supper.
The Last Supper Facts 10: the painting technique
The wet plaster was not used to paint The Last Supper. It was made on a dry wall.
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