10 Interesting the Greenhouse Effect Facts
The Greenhouse Effect Facts inform the people with the process of warming the surface of a planet due to the radiation which occurs on the atmosphere of the planet. The energy will be radiated in all directions if the active gases are available on the atmosphere of the planet. Therefore, the temperature of the planet is increased and people feel the hot weather. Let’s check other interesting facts about greenhouse effect below:
The Greenhouse Effect Facts 1: the strength of greenhouse effect
You can measure the strength of greenhouse effect by looking at the content of greenhouse gases as well as the temperature of the atmosphere.
The Greenhouse Effect Facts 2: the greenhouse effect on earth
The warming process which occurs on earth is identified by convective heat fluxes, absorption of the sun’s shorter wavelength energy, and absorption of infrared thermal radiation from the surface. Look at facts about the Earth’s Mantle here.
The Greenhouse Effect Facts 3: the direction of the radiated energy
The radiated energy will come to the lower atmosphere and surface. It is produced by the greenhouse gases. Get facts about temperature here.
The Greenhouse Effect Facts 4: the importance of greenhouse effect
The life of human being, animals, plants and other organisms are supported by the natural greenhouse of earth.
The Greenhouse Effect Facts 5: the global warming
The global warming occurs in the world due to the intensified natural greenhouse effect. It is caused by the human activities such as deforestation and fossil fuel burning.
The Greenhouse Effect Facts 6: Joseph Fourier
In 1824, Joseph Fourier argued the presence of greenhouse effect. In 1827 and 1838, Claude Pouillet supported the greenhouse effect by using evidence. In 1859, John Tyndall strengthened it using experimental observations.
The Greenhouse Effect Facts 7: the first usage of greenhouse effect
In 1901, Nils Gustaf Ekholm used the first term greenhouse effect even though this effect has been recognized in the past.
The Greenhouse Effect Facts 8: the gases
There are four major gases which contribute to presence of greenhouse effect. Those are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone.
The Greenhouse Effect Facts 9: cloud
Cloud is considered the non major gas which contributes to greenhouse effect.
The Greenhouse Effect Facts 10: the production of CO2
CO2 production contributes to the presence of greenhouse effect. It is caused by various activities such as tropical deforestation, cement production and fossil fuel burning.
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