10 Interesting the Danube River Facts

Friday, April 22nd 2016. | River

The Danube River Facts inform you with the second longest river in Europe. The first longest river in Europe is Volga River. The location of Danube River is in Central and Eastern Europe. Now it can be found flowing in 10 countries in Europe. If you check the history of Danube River in the past, it occupied the areas under the rule of Roman Empire. Here are other interesting facts about Danube River to note:

The Danube River Facts 1: the origin of Danube River

Danube River is originated in Germany.  The flow of Danube River will end in Black Sea. The journey of the river passes several countries in Europe such as Serbia, Hungary, Austria, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Slovakia.

The Danube River Facts 2: the length of Danube River

The length of Danube River is around 1,780 miles or 2,860 kilometer.

The Danube River Facts

The Danube River Facts

The Danube River Facts 3: the classification of Danube River

The status of Danube River today is as an international waterway. It has various tributaries such as Iller, Regen, Morava, Naab, and Dráva.

The Danube River Facts 4: the beauty of Danube River

Danube River is famous in the world because of its beauty and panoramic view. You can spot at least 15 bridges in Budapest. All of them spread over Danube River.

The Danube River Beauty

The Danube River Beauty

The Danube River Facts 5: piracy

One of the controversial issues related to Danube River is piracy. The regular pirate attacks were claimed by several companies in Ukraine in 2010 until 2012.

The Danube River Facts 6: the largest river delta

The largest river delta in European Union is Danube Delta. It is mostly located in Romania. The surface of Danube River is around 1,603 square miles or 4,152 km square. The delta occupies 1,331 square miles or 3,446 km square in Romania.

Facts about The Danube River

Facts about The Danube River

The Danube River Facts 7: Danube Commission

In 1948, there were 7 countries bordering Danube River established Danube Commission.  The aim of the commission is improving and sustaining the navigation in Danube River. Check Colorado River facts here.

The Danube River Facts 8: the members of Danube Commission

Danube Commission has two regular meetings per year. The members are from Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Moldova, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, and Romania.

The Danube River Image

The Danube River Image

The Danube River Facts 9: the oldest bridge

Apollodorus of Damascus constructed the oldest bridge over Danube River in 103 to 105 CE.

The Danube River Facts 10: the importance of Danube River

There are around 20 million people who use Danube River as the source of drinking water. Get facts about River Thames here.

The Danube River

The Danube River

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