10 Interesting the Murray Darling Basin Facts

Wednesday, September 7th 2016. | River

The large geographical area located in southeastern Australia is explained on The Murray Darling Basin Facts. The name of the area is taken from two primary rivers in the country.  Both are the Murray River and Darling River. The basin is very important for the Australian agriculture for it drains at one-seventh of landmass in Australia. Here are other interesting facts about Murray Darling Basin to notice:

The Murray Darling Basin Facts 1: the location of the basin

The basin can be found in various locations in Australia like Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, New South Wales, and southerner corner of South Australia and lower third of Queensland.

The Murray Darling Basin Facts 2: the length of Murray Darling Basin

Murray Darling Basin has the length measured at 2,097 miles or 3,375 km. The length of Murray River is 1,558 miles or 2,508 km.

the murray darling basin facts

the murray darling basin facts

The Murray Darling Basin Facts 3: the landscape

The landscape of Murray Darling Basin is mostly depicted as far, low-lying and flat inland. The level of rainfall received by the basin is very low.

The Murray Darling Basin Facts 4: the animal species

There are many native animals living in Murray Darling Basin. It is a home to 55 species of frogs, 34 species of fish, 5 species of tortoises, 80 species of mammals and 46 species of snakes.


the murray darling basin pic

The Murray Darling Basin Facts 5: the fish

In the past, Murray Darling Basin was inhabited by the abundant fish which gave the local people enough food sources.

The Murray Darling Basin Facts 6: the number of fish today

Now the Murray Darling Basin is a home to 15 to 25 marine and estuaries species plus 24 native freshwater fish. The number of fish is very small today.

facts about the murray darling basin

facts about the murray darling basin

The Murray Darling Basin Facts 7: carp

The fish dams in Murray Darling Basin were introduced with four different kinds of carp. The carp spreads quickly when it goes to the systems of the rivers. The introduction of carps is considered as a problem today to the ecosystem of the rivers for they take every edible material off the rivers and suck the gravel. The quality of water is decreased because of the stirred sediment caused by the carp.

The Murray Darling Basin Facts 8: the average total flow

The average total flow of Murray Darling Basin is 24,000 gigalitres from 1885 until today. Get facts about the Murray River here.

the murray darling basin photo

the murray darling basin photo

The Murray Darling Basin Facts 9: the annual flow

The annual flow of Murray Darling Basin was 5,000 gigalitres in 1902. In 1956, it had 57,000 gigalitres for the annual flow.

The Murray Darling Basin Facts 10: agreement

In 1985, the adoption of Murray–Darling Basin Agreement was applied. But it only received the full legal status in 1993.  Get facts about the Mekong River here.

the murray darling basin pictures

the murray darling basin pictures

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