10 Interesting Mozambique Facts
Mozambique Facts elaborate the ideas about the tropical country in the world. You can enjoy the tropical and subtropical climate in Mozambique. You can go to the northern part of Mozambique to enjoy the tropical atmosphere. Here are facts about Mozambique for you:
Mozambique Facts 1: the lowest and highest elevation
The highest elevation in Mozambique is located in Monte Binga. It has the height of 2,436 meters above the sea elevation. The lowest elevation is located by the Indian Ocean.
Mozambique Facts 2: the total area
Mozambique had the total area of 801,590 square kilometers. The water occupies 17,500 square km, while the land occupies 784,090 sq km. The beaches in Mozambique have attracted many tourists al over the world. It stretches on the length of 2,470 km.
Mozambique Facts 3: economy
The economy in Mozambique is not really good. More than 65 percent of the people live below the poverty line. The unemployment rate is around 21 percent.
Mozambique Facts 4: Lake Niassa
If you want to know one of the largest lakes in Africa, you can visit Lake Niassa. It is located in the southern border of the country. The lake is also used as the border between Tanzania and Malawi.
Mozambique Facts 5: common disease
The people in Mozambique are prone to some common diseases such as bacterial diarrhea, thypoid fever and hepatitis A.
Mozambique Facts 6: the life expectancy
Let’s find out the life expectancy of the people in Mozambique. Most of them live up to 41 years old. You have to know that there are many infectious diseases in the country. If you come outside Mozambique, you have to be aware.
Mozambique Facts 7: HIV / AIDS
The study states that 13 percent of the people living in Mozambique are infected by HIV / AIDS. Every year, there are 110,000 people died because of HIV / AIDS.
Mozambique Facts 8: severe flooding
Mozambique is also prone to natural disasters such as flooding. In 2000, there were hundreds of people died because of cyclone. In 2011, people had to experienced severe flood because of heavy rains.
Mozambique Facts 9: drought and food shortage
Other problems that the people experience include food shortage and drought. Learn more on drought facts here.
Mozambique Facts 10: the civil war
Do you know that there were 1 million people killed in Mozambique because of famine and civil war in 1977 to 1992?
Mozambique only has 22 tar runaways even though the country has 147 airports. What do you think on facts about Mozambique?