10 Interesting Ice Skating Facts

Thursday, April 3rd 2014. | Sports

Ice Skating facts give the ideas about one of the most popular sports in many cold countries in the world.  In the past, ice skating is only popular in the four season country because we need to do ice skating on the top of the ice. Since many tropical countries do not have this ice on the ground. That’s why this sport is less popular there. However, with the modern technology the ice ground can be seen in various malls in some tropical countries. Here are the interesting facts about ice skating:

Ice Skating Facts 1: figure skating

Figure skating is the one who performs beautiful ice skating. In US, There is an organization which manages the figure skating. This national organization has 690 club members and 165,000 members.

Ice Skating Facts 2: Colorado

If you love to learn more about the history and famous figure skating in the world, you can go to Colorado.  In the Colorado Springs, you can see the Hall of fame and the world Figure Skating Museum.

Ice Skating Facts

Ice Skating Facts

Ice Skating Facts 3: 2010 Olympics

Ice skating is also one of the sport in Olympics. More than two third of viewers for the ice skating show in 2010 Olympics are Americans. It seems that the American people are interested with ice skating much.

Ice Skating Facts 4: medals

There are at least 187 world championships medals until these recent days that the American figure skating players have collected.

Ice Skating Figures

Ice Skating Figures

Ice Skating Facts 5: Vincent Zhou

Vincent Zhou is a good icon of figure skating. He is the youngest talented of figure skating from America. He was born on 25th October 2000. He did it in 2013.

Ice Skating Facts 6: hockey skates

You are wrong if you think that both hockey players and figure skaters have similar shoes.  Figure skating has to wear the large jagged teeth. It makes the figure skating jump smoothly.

Ice Skating People

Ice Skating People

Ice Skating Facts 7: name of guide skating

The competition makes the people who take part in the figure skating have a great figure. That’s the origin of the name figure skating. One of the perfect figure skating players is figure 8’s.

Ice Skating Facts 8: judge

It is not easy to be a judge in future skating competition. Sometimes, the judges are considered to be controversial because they have to use the subjective opinion.

Ice Skating Shoes

Ice Skating Shoes

Ice Skating Facts 9: Jackson Haines

Jackson Haines is a figure skating gained his fame in 1860s.  This man is very innovative because he can skate to ballet, music and ice.

Ice Skating Facts 10: program

If you want to be a professional figure skating, you need to practice and follow a program which allows you to learn skills and jumping.

Ice Skating

Ice Skating

If you think that ice skating is only a hobby, you just have to learn it when the winter season comes. Be careful when jumping since you need skills to learn it. Are you interested with facts about ice skating?

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