10 Interesting Bridget Riley Facts
Read Bridget Riley Facts if you are interested to know the famous English painter. She was born with the full name Bridget Louise Riley on 24 April 1931 in Norwood, London. Now, she lives in London, Cornwall and France. You can see her public collection in some museums such as Museum of Modern Art, New York, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Here are other facts about Bridget Riley for you:
Bridget Riley Facts 1: father
John Fisher Riley was her father. He was a printer from Yorkshire. Then he decided to move his painting company to Lincolnshire in 1938.
Bridget Riley Facts 2: living in Cornwall
Bridget, her mother and sister had to move to a cottage in Cornwall since they had to be evacuated during the World War 2. At that time, his father was drafted into army.
Bridget Riley Facts 3: education
She got her education by studying at Cheltenham Ladies’ College. In 1949 till 1952, she went to Goldsmiths College to study art. In 1952 till 1955, she went to Royal College of Art.
Bridget Riley Facts 4: the fellow students
When he studied art, she had other fellow students who became artists such as the retired painter who was famous because of his chair design, Geoffrey Harcourt, the artist Peter Blake, and Frank Auerbach.
Bridget Riley Facts 5: nursing her father
Her father was involved in fatal car accidents. Therefore, she had to nurse him in 1956 until 1958.
Bridget Riley Facts 6: the jobs
She taught children after he stopped working in a glassware shop. Then she became a part time illustrator after she worked at J. Walter Thompson until 1962.
Bridget Riley Facts 7: Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock was one of the important artists. In the winter 1958, she saw the large Whitechapel Gallery exhibition of Jackson Pollock. She was very inspired and encouraged after seeing this exhibition.
Bridget Riley Facts 8: the early work of Riley
She focused on the semi impressionist style for his early work. He used the painting style based on the pointillist technique when he created the world for the advertising agency in 1958 till 1959. Find out another artist in facts about Renoir.
Bridget Riley Facts 9: Op Art style
Op Art Style was the signature style of Riley in 1960s. She used black and white geometric patterns.
Bridget Riley Facts 10: the color
In 1967, she began the experiment and invested colors. In that year, she generated her first stripe painting.
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