10 Interesting the Milky Way Galaxy Facts

Friday, September 2nd 2016. | Universe

Let me show you a galaxy which contains the solar system by reading the Milky Way Galaxy facts. The name of this galaxy is unique. It is derived from the appearance of the galaxy.  It is depicted as having a dim glowing band arching on the night sky. We cannot use the naked eyes to differentiate the individual stars. Get other interesting facts about the Milky Way by reading the following post below:

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts 1: the appearance of Milky Way from earth

The appearance of Milky Way from earth reminds you with a band. If it is viewed from within, the Milky Way has the disk like structure.

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts 2: Galileo Galilei

One of the famous astronomers in the world is Galileo Galilei. In 1610, this famous expert of astronomy used his telescope to resolve the band of light into individual stars for the first time. Get facts about the Inner Planets here.

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts 3: the stars

If you think that all stars in the universe are located inside the Milky Way, you are totally wrong. Most astronomers followed this belief until the beginning of 1920s.

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts 4: the 1920 Great Debate

Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis were the astronomers who marked the 1920 Great Debate. Fortunately, Edwin Hubble showed the world that Milky Way was just one of the galaxies in the universe based on his observation. Check facts about Asteroid Belt here.

The Milky Way Galaxy Images

The Milky Way Galaxy Images

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts 5: the number of galaxies

Today, there have been 200 billion galaxies observed in the universe. Milky Way is just one of them.

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts 6: the diameter of Milky Way Galaxy

Can you estimate the diameter of Milky Way Galaxy? The experts believe that this galaxy has 100,000 to 120,000 light years for the diameter. But other experts believe that the diameter might be 150,000 to 180,000 light years.

The Milky Way Galaxy Photo

The Milky Way Galaxy Photo

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts 7: the number of stars

There are around 100 to 400 billion stars located within Milky Way Galaxy.  The number of planets in the galaxy is estimated around 100 billion planets.

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts 8: the location of the solar system

As I have stated before, the Milky Way contains the solar system. It sits within the disk.

The Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts 9: the dark regions

There are areas within Milky Way where the interstellar duct blocks the light from distant stars. They are called as dark regions.

The Milky Way Galaxy Facts 10: Zone of Avoidance

Zone of Avoidance is a term used to call the area of sky hidden by the Milky Way.

The Milky Way Galaxy Pic

The Milky Way Galaxy Pic

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