10 Interesting the Fifth Element Facts

Saturday, May 28th 2016. | Entertainment

The famous science fiction French movie is explained on The Fifth Element Facts. Luc Besson was the co writer as well as a the director of this movie. In French, this movie was titled Le Cinquième Élément. It was released in 1997. Even though the Fifth Element is considered as a French science fiction, it is made in English language. If you want to know the stars as well as the production of the movie, look at the below post.

The Fifth Element Facts 1: the famous stars

Have you watched The Fifth Element before? There are three notable stars in the movie. Those are Milla Jovovich, Gary Oldman and Bruce Willis.

The Fifth Element Facts 2: the setting of The Fifth Element

The Fifth Element has a unique setting of time for it depicts the life in 23rd century.

Facts about The Fifth Element

Facts about The Fifth Element

The Fifth Element Facts 3: the movie plot

In short, The Fifth Element tells the viewers how to save the earth from the impending attack. Jovovich was a young woman who once worked as a special forces major. On the other hand, Willis became Korben Dallas. He worked as a taxicab driver.  it became his responsibility to save earth after Jovovich was in his cab.

The Fifth Element Facts 4: how to save the earth

The earth can be defended if Dallas and the forces discover the mystical stones. Find facts about the Crucible here.

The Fifth Element Facts

The Fifth Element Facts

The Fifth Element Facts 5: Besson

When The Fifth Element was released in the cinemas, Besson was 38 years old. Actually when he was 16 years old, this story of The Fifth Element had come up in his mind.

The Fifth Element Facts 6: the shooting location

The shooting location of The Fifth Element was in Mauritania and London even though Besson had the intention to shoot the movie in France. He could not find the right location in the country. Get facts about the Big Bang Theory here.

The Fifth Element Movie

The Fifth Element Movie

The Fifth Element Facts 7: the production design

Let’s find out the production design in The Fifth Element. Some parts of the movies were inspired from the comics of Jean “Moebius” Giraud and Jean-Claude Mézières. Therefore, both were involved in the movie production.

The Fifth Element Facts 8: Jean Paul Gaultier

Do you know that Jean Paul Gaultier was the costume designer for The Fifth Element?

The Fifth Element Pic

The Fifth Element Pic

The Fifth Element Facts 9: the financial success

The Fifth Element was successful financially. The budget was $90 million, but it earned $263 million at the box office.

The Fifth Element Facts 10: the review

The reviews for The Fifth Element are mainly positive. The audiences as well as the critics love it.

The Fifth Element Pictures

The Fifth Element Pictures

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