8 Interesting Rwanda Genocide Facts
Rwanda Genocide Facts tell you about the genocide which killed the Tutsi and moderate Hutu people in Rwanda. This genocide was conducted by the members of Hutu majority. The death toll of this genocide is around 500,000 to 1,000,000 people. This genocide occurred on 7 April 1994 to mid July. The victims occupied 70 percent of the whole Tutsi living in Rwanda. Or it occupied the 20 percent of the whole population in Rwanda. Here are other facts about Rwanda genocide for you:
Rwanda Genocide Facts 1: who planned the genocide?
The akazu who was know the core political elite in Rwanda planned the genocide for the Tutsi. Most members of the akazu took the high position in the Rwandan government.
Rwanda Genocide Facts 2: the persons behind the genocide
The persons who conducted and planned this immoral act included the National Police, the Hutu civilian population, government-backed militias and Rwandan army. Get facts about Rwanda here.
Rwanda Genocide Facts 3: the Rwandan Civil war
This genocide was included as Rwandan Civil war in which the Rwandan Patriotic Front/RPF had a conflict with the Hutu led government in 1990.
Rwanda Genocide Facts 4: Arusha Accords
Arusha Accords stated that Hutu Led government had to share the power with RPF. However, many conservative Hutus were dissatisfied with the agreement. They believed that it was one way to enslave the Hutus and as a way to establish the Tutsi monarchy.
Rwanda Genocide Facts 5: the beginning of the Rwanda genocide
A day after the airplane which carried Habyarimana and, the Burundian president shot down on 6 April 1994, the Rwandan genocide began. The moderate Hutu leaders and the important Tutsi were killed by the militia, police and soldiers quickly. They used the national identity cards to distinguish the ethnicity.
Rwanda Genocide Facts 6: the recruitment
The forces which include the soldier and militia also recruited the Hutu civilians to participate in the genocide. They not only killed the Tutsi but also maim and rape them.
Rwanda Genocide Facts 7: the end of genocide
Since the peace agreement was violated by Hutu, the RPF seizes the northern part of Rwanda. They took control again after taking over Kigali in Mid July. It marked the end of Rwanda genocide.
Rwanda Genocide Facts 8: the inaction of the international countries
The international countries such Belgium, United Kingdom and United States along with United Nations were criticized due to their inaction on the Rwanda genocide. France was also criticized by various observers because of the alleged support on the genocide.
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