10 Interesting Robert Burns Facts
Robert Burns Facts present the information about the notable lyricist and poet from Scotland. This man was born in Ayrshire, Scotland on 25th January 1759. If you check out his poem, you find out that he used the Scots dialect and Standard English dialect. He wrote most of his poems in Scots. Here are other interesting facts about Robert Burns below:
Robert Burns Facts 1: Jamaica
Actually Burns wanted to move to Jamaica from Scotland but he did not do it. Instead, he relocated to Edinburgh. Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect was his poetry collection published before he went to Edinburgh. In this new place of living, the second edition of his poem was published.
Robert Burns Facts 2: a lyricist
As I have stated before, Burns was not only an author. He was also a genius lyricist. There were many lyrics that he made for more than 100 songs. You can check his lyrics in The Melodies of Scotland. You can check out A Select Collection of Scottish Airs for the Voice and The Scots Musical Museum too.
Robert Burns Facts 3: the other works
You can also see his works in a traditional Scottish tune. He added new lyrics to Auld Lang Syne. A Red, Red Rose is another work of Burns.
Robert Burns Facts 4: the national poet
Burns is considered as the national poet in the Scotland. But his works are celebrated by all people in the world.
Robert Burns Facts 5: the Romantic Movement
Burns is considered as the pioneer in Romantic Movement. The founders of socialism and liberalism got a lot of inspirations by reading the works of Burns. Get facts about Bridget Riley here.
Robert Burns Facts 6: “Scots Wha Hae”
“Scots Wha Hae” became the unofficial national anthem in Scotland. During the last of the year, the people sing “Auld Lang Syne” in the event called Hogmanay.
Robert Burns Facts 7: other songs and poems
Other songs and poems of Burns include “Ae Fond Kiss”, “The Battle of Sherramuir”, “To a Louse”, “Tam o’ Shanter”, “To a Mouse” and “A Man’s a Man for A’ That”.
Robert Burns Facts 8: the early life
The Burns Cottage Museum is one of the interesting places today. Actually it was the house built by his father. Burns was born here. Today, it is used as a museum.
Robert Burns Facts 9: the education
Most of his education was gained from his father. He taught the young Burns arithmetic, writing, reading, history and geography.
Robert Burns Facts 10: death
Burns passed away on 21 July 1796 at the age of 37. Find out another writer in facts about Rick Riordan.
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