10 Interesting Rice Facts

Friday, February 13th 2015. | Plants

Rice Facts talk about one of the most common cultivated grains in the world. The Asian people like to eat rice for the every diet staple. Race is included in the family of Poaceae. Actually rice was originated from China. The rice comes in various tastes, colors, sizes and textures.  The report states that human being began to consume rice at least 4,000 years ago. Here are other facts about rice for you:

Rice Facts 1: Antarctica

You will never find rice in Antarctica. This plant can be seen in all kinds of continent except in Antarctica. It becomes the main food in most countries in Asia Japan and China. Get facts about modern China here.

Rice Facts 2: the production of rice

There are two kinds of ways to produce rice.  It can be mechanically produced in North America. In Asia, people often produce the rice manually. They will plant the rice and harvest it. There is no need to wonder that every year; the production of rice can reach millions of tons.

Rice Colors

Rice Colors

Rice Facts 3: the varieties

There are many researchers conducted to increase the quality of rice. Today, you can find a lot of varieties of rice in the world. Most of them can tolerate the salty terrains, floods and drought. The major threats of rice harvest include the fungal disease, bacterial disease and insects.

Rice Facts 4: the size

If you want to decide the size of the rice, you need to check out the varieties of the rice.  In average, the height of rice can reach 3.3 till 5.9 inches.

Rice Facts

Rice Facts

Rice Facts 5: the leaves

The leaves of rice plant are long, slender and elongated. They can reach the length at 20 till 39 inches. If the rice is new, the leaves are green. If they are ready to be harvested, the leaves come in golden yellow or brown color.

Rice Facts 6: the small flowers

You can see the small flower located on the pendulous inflorescence of the rice plant.  These small flowers will develop into the rice after they are pollinated by the wind. The seeds of rice can be consumed by human being.

Rice Pictures

Rice Pictures

Rice Facts 7: the colors

Let’s find out the colors of the rice. You can find rice in various colors of red, black, purple, white, brown, golden, and yellow.

Rice Facts 8: the size of the grain

There are three types of grains which divide the rice.  The grains can be short, medium or long.  If you want to find the rice with high content of starch, you can choose the short and medium grains. Therefore, both have sticky texture.

Rice Plants

Rice Plants

Rice Facts 9: Asian people

More than 90 percent production of rice internationally is consumed by the Asian people. Find out another food in potato facts.

Rice Facts 10: the benefits

Rice is a good diet since it contains vitamin C, proteins and sugars.



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