10 Interesting Natural Disaster Facts

Wednesday, August 20th 2014. | Disasters

Natural Disaster Facts elaborate the information about the disaster occurred on earth caused by the harsh nature. Do you still remember Tsunami which hit Indonesia and other parts of Asia? It killed thousand people and destroyed many facilities. Here are the complete facts about natural disaster for you:

Natural Disaster Facts 1: cost

The damage cost of natural disaster was around $1.7 trillion between 2000 and 2012. There were 2.9 million people in the world affected by this horrible disaster.

Natural Disaster Facts 2: natural disaster in 2011

Do you know that there were 12 cases of extreme temperature, 154 cases of floods and 16 cases of drought in the world in 2011?

Natural Disaster Facts

Natural Disaster Facts

Natural Disaster Facts 3: the high cost

The highest cost of damage caused by natural disaster occurred in 2011. The people had to lose $371 billion.  In 2012, people had to experience the damage which cost more than $100 billion.

Natural Disaster Facts 4: Tsunami

One of the common natural disasters faced by the people who live in the coast, beaches or ocean is Tsunami. The people in Japan often experienced it. Check facts about Tsunami here.

Natural Disaster Pictures

Natural Disaster Pictures

Natural Disaster Facts 5: the death toll

The death toll because of natural disaster occurred between 2000 and 2012 was around 1.1 million people.

Natural Disaster Facts 6: floods

One of the most widespread natural disasters in the world which can kill people and damage the facilities is flood. Most natural disasters in United States were involved with flood.

Natural Disaster Tsunami

Natural Disaster Tsunami

Natural Disaster Facts 7: Earthquakes

Another common natural disaster in Japan besides Tsunami is earthquake. You can find that many houses in Japan are built to defend the earthquake. Do you know that earthquake actually can trigger other natural disasters such as landslides, avalanches and tsunamis?

Natural Disaster Facts 8: the number of natural disaster in the world in 2012

The report stated that there were 905 cases of natural disasters in the world. Those included droughts, storms, hail storms, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, typhoons, tornadoes and earthquake.

Natural Disaster

Natural Disaster

Natural Disaster Facts 9: the fatalities of natural disaster

The fatalities of natural disaster were involved with mass movement and flooding.

Natural Disaster Facts 10: tornadoes

Tornado is one of the seven natural disasters. When it hit a road, the damage can be in the exceed of 50 miles long and one mile wide.

Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters

It is not easy for us to avoid the natural disaster. But it will be good if you can live in a safe place. Do you want to comment on facts about natural disaster?

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