10 Interesting Hurricane Facts
Hurricane facts inform you about one of the dangerous disasters in the world. A single hurricane even though it is small can throw out at least 2.4 trillion gallon of rain in a day. It can also dump million miles of air. Here are some facts about hurricane to learn.
Hurricane Facts 1: Hurricane-generated waves
Hurricane can occur not only on land but also on water. When the hurricane generated waves occur, it can throw out myriads of fish on the ocean land. All of the fish come out with popped out eyes.
Hurricane Facts 2: Energy of Hurricane
Hurricane also produces energy. It is actually can be used to enlighten the city of Las Vegas for many years. Another disaster that you need to avoid is seen on earthquake facts.
Hurricane Facts 3: Christopher Columbus
Hurricane is also experienced by the people in the past. Christopher Columbus is the first person writing about hurricane in 1495.
Hurricane Facts 4: Southern Hemisphere Hurricane
The hurricane in southern hemisphere will stir in a clockwise.
Hurricane Facts 5: Northern Hemisphere Hurricane
The hurricane located in northern hemisphere will turn into counterclockwise. The hurricane occurred on this hemisphere usually is stronger. The wind, storm, surge and tornadoes are deadly.
Hurricane Facts 6: Death of Hurricane
The death toll of hurricane is unpredictable. More than 90 percent of death in this disaster is because of the storm surges. The hurricane usually can reach the height of 20 feet and length of 100 miles. Hurricane is more dangerous compared to any other storms. It kills people more.
Hurricane Facts 7: Hurricane Word
The original name of hurricane is hurricane. It is taken by a name of an evil god located in Caribbean island.
Hurricane Facts 8: The Deadliest Hurricane in US
The deadliest hurricane in America happened in 1900. It took the life of 1000 people. The disaster was occurred on Galveston, Texas.
Hurricane Facts 9: The Deadliest Hurricane in the World
The deadliest hurricane in the world occurred on Bhola Cyclone in Bangladesh 1970. The dead toll reached the number ranging from 150,000 to 300,000 people. In the last 200 years, hurricane has taken the life of 1.9 million people all over the world.
Hurricane Facts 10: Hurricane Camille
The strongest hurricane seen by its wind speed in US is called as Hurricane Camille. The hurricane occurred on Indian and southern part of Asia is deadly due to the highly populated area and flooding. Look tsunami facts if you want to find out the disaster centered deep down the ocean.
In the record of US history, hurricane Katrina is considered as the costliest hurricane. The overall damage because hurricane Katrina is estimated around $100 billion. The big buildings, homes and infrastructures are damaged. In 1969, Hurricane Camille is the biggest hurricane to strike the land with the speed at 210 miles per hour. The large hurricane which did not strike land is called as typhoon tip. It was occurred in 1979. The diameter of the wind is 1,350 miles. Are you satisfied reading facts about hurricane?