10 Interesting Mount Rainier Facts
Those who like to learn about the highest mountain in Washington should read Mount Rainier Facts. It has the elevation of 4,392 meters or 14,411 feet. You can hike the mountain by visiting Mount Rainier National Park. Check the following post below for detail information:
Mount Rainier Facts 1: location and prominence
Mount Rainier is situated in Cascade Range, Pierce County, and Mount Rainier National Park, Washington. People are impressed with the mountain for it is ranked in the 21st highest peak in the world. Find out facts about Washington State here.
Mount Rainier Facts 2: the first recorded ascent
Hazard Stevens and P. B. Van Trump were the climbers who took the first recorded ascent in Mount Rainier. Both did the ascent in 1870.
Mount Rainier Facts 3: Cascade Range
The record of the highest peak in Cascade Range is taken by Mount Rainier. The Cascade Range is very famous in United States because it spans from Washington, Oregon and northern California. This long range volcanic mountain is easy to view during the clear day. If you visit Mount Rainier, you can enjoy the view of Mount Adams, Mount St. Helen, Glacier Peak, Mount Baker and Mount Hood.
Mount Rainier Facts 4: active volcano
Mount Rainier is an active volcano. The last eruption of the mountain happened in 1894. It is considered as a massive stratovolcano in the Cascade Volcanic Arc. The biggest eruption ever recorded was 2,200 years ago.
Mount Rainier Facts 5: glaciers
If you visit the mountain, you can see 26 major glaciers in the vicinity of the mountain. In the country, the mountain is called as the most glaciated mountain. You can also see permanent snowfield here.
Mount Rainier Facts 6: earthquakes
Since mount Rainier is an active volcano. It is a common thing to feel small, medium to high frequency earthquake. The hot fluid circulating inside the mountain is the main cause of the earthquakes.
Mount Rainier Facts 7: the summit of Mount Rainier
Have you ever seen the summit of Mount Rainier? There are two overlapping volcanic craters around the summit. The length of each crater can be 1,000 feet in diameter.
Mount Rainier Facts 8: three spate summits
Mount Rainier is very unique because it has three different summits. The Liberty cap summit has the height of 14,112 feet. The Point Success has the height of 14,158 feet. The last one, Columbia Crest is 14,411 feet.
Mount Rainier Facts 9: climbing route
When people want to climb Mount Rainier, they will stop at the height of 14,150 feet on the crater crest.
Mount Rainier Facts 10: age of volcanic cone on Mount Rainier
Do you know that the age of volcanic cone in the mountain is around 500,000 years old?
If you visit Mount Rainier Nation Park, you can enjoy the view of the mountain closer. The park is filled with a lot of wilderness. It is good for sightseeing, hiking, climbing and camping. Do you want to give opinion on facts about Mount Rainier?