10 Interesting John Quincy Adams Facts
Are you curious about John Quincy Adams Facts? You need to read the whole facts below. John Quincy Adams is famous as the sixth president in US. He won the presidential election in 1824. On 4th March 1825, he served the office. You can check the presidency and personal life of John Quincy Adams by reading the post below:
John Quincy Adams Facts 1: parents
Do you know that John Quincy Adams was the son of the second president John Adams and his wife Abigail Adams? It was quite surprising that he followed the footstep of his father as a president in US. Find out about John Adams facts here.
John Quincy Adams Facts 2: unique childhood
As the son of a president, the young John Quincy Adams enjoyed a unique child. He and his mother Abigail Adams witnessed the Battle of Bunker Hill personally.
John Quincy Adams Facts 3: education
What about the educational background of John Quincy Adams? When he was only 10 years old, he went to Paris and Amsterdam to study. Then he was enrolled to Harvard University. What a wonderful education!
John Quincy Adams Facts 4: Francis Dana
He traveled to Russia and worked as the secretary of Francis Dana. When he was 17 years old, John Quincy Adams decided to come back to America. However, he had spent his five months to travel around Europe.
John Quincy Adams Facts 5: marriage
The marriage of John Quincy Adams was always filled with unhappiness. He was the only US president who married to the only foreign born woman. The name of his wife was Louisa Catherine Johnson. Her parents were an Englishwoman and an American merchant. The young Louisa was raised in London and France.
John Quincy Adams Facts 6: a good diplomat
Just like his father, John Quincy Adams was an ultimate diplomat. President George Washington appointed him as a diplomat to Netherlands in 1794.
John Quincy Adams Facts 7: minister
Before John Quincy Adams became the president, he was a minister for some European countries. When he was the minister of Russia, he saw the failure of Napoleon in Russian Invasion. He was appointed to Russia by President James Madison.
John Quincy Adams Facts 8: minister to Great Britain
After the end of 1812 war, John Quincy Adams was selected as the minister to Great Britain.
John Quincy Adams Facts 9: Treaty of Ghent
Treaty of Ghent was the big effort of John Quincy Adams. He was appointed as the chief negotiator of peach between US and Britain by President Madison.
John Quincy Adams Facts 10: Do-Nothing President
Even though John Quincy Adams had good skill for diplomacy and negotiation, it seems that he was a do nothing president. He had difficulties to create agenda as a US president.
When John Quincy Adams left the office, he was elected as the member in the US house of Representative. He served the office for 17 years. Do you have any suggestion on facts about John Quincy Adams?