10 Interesting Houston Texas
Let’s find out the information about one of the important cities in Texas by reading Houston Texas facts. Houston is a good place to live. People love to have their peaceful life here since it is a large city. You can find anything here. The industries, food, restaurant and cinema are great.
Houston Texas Facts 1: size
Even though Houston is only a city, it has a very big size. Compared to the state of Maryland, it is bigger.
Houston Texas Facts 2: the total area
The size of Houston is unbeatable. You need combine the area of San Francisco, Boston and New York to compare the size of the Houston.
Houston Texas Facts 3: Houston word
It seems that Houston is a famous forward for some astronauts in the world. Armstrong said” Houston tranquility base here’” when his spaceship Apollo 11 landed. Houston was also the first word to stay when the Eagle landed on moon.
Houston Texas Facts 4: restaurants
There are many kinds of restaurants in Houston. You can find different kinds of food based on the countries in the world. The people in Houston eat more compared to other people in the cities of US. This is a good place for living for those who love to eat food.
Houston Texas Facts 5: unique law
Each city in United State has a unique law. You can find that in Houston, people are forbidden to sell Limburger cheese on Sunday. We don’t know the reason for this law.
Houston Texas Facts 6: myth
The myth spreads among the people in Houston is about the founder of the city. People thought that it was founded by Sam Houston. He was general and statesman who were very popular in the Battle of San Jacinto.
Houston Texas Facts 7: the real founder
Actually the real founders of Houston Texas are Augustus Chapman Allen and John Kirby Allen. Both wanted to respect and honor Sam Houston. Because of the Battle of San Jacinto, the city was named Houston.
Houston Texas Facts 8: stadium
Houston is a good and modern city. You need to know that the first stadium with a dome was built here.
Houston Texas Facts 9: spot of Allen brothers
The spot of Allen Brother, the founder of Houston can be seen in Interstates 45 and 10 intersect.
Houston Texas Facts 10: Hurricane Katrina
Houston is considered as the place with the largest providers for shelter to the New Orleans people who experienced the Hurricane Katrina. There were 150,000 New Orleans people living here.
Some famous sport teams from Houston include the Aeros, the Astros and the Comets. What do you think on facts about Houston Texas?