10 Interesting Gordon Parks Facts

Thursday, February 27th 2014. | People

Gordon Parks facts may become your basic info to recognize more about this famous photographer. This person has gained his popularity throughout his work. So, you really need to know about how to make sure to get further info related to him.

Gordon Parks Facts 1: age of 15

Gordon Parks has already involves in music, writing, and also photography in the age of 15. He later becomes so much famous because of his work within FSA or Farm Security Administration. The others are as staff of photographer for life, and also U.S Office of War Information.

Gordon Parks Facts 2:  film director

He also has involved in certain art work which is as film director. He had suffered from problem in finding jobs because he was black young man. He only could obtain job such as carrying bricks and also herding cattle.

Gordon Parks Facts

Gordon Parks Facts

Gordon Parks Facts 3: photography

He had decided to be photographer in the year 1937. It was because certain film about sinking U.S.S. Panay in China. He also worked as a waiter for Northern Pacific Railroad.

Gordon Parks Facts 4: Julius Rosenwald fellowship

He also had won Julius Rosenwald fellowship in the year 1941. It was for his photographic work at Chicago’s South Side Community Art Center. He gained the experience to learn about how to fight the evil poverty along with camera.

Gordon Parks Image

Gordon Parks Image

Gordon Parks Facts 5: OWI

He was transferred to Office of War Information because of the disbanding FSA. The assignment even was canceled because of the involvement of certain politician who doesn’t want to include black soldiers there.

Gordon Parks Facts 6: Roy Stryker

The most influential person perhaps was Roy Stryker. Although Gordon was laid off by him, he never forgot about his interest in the fashion of photography.

Gordon Parks Pic

Gordon Parks Pic

Gordon Parks Facts 7: famous people

His career in photography had involved many famous people such as Winston Churchill, Ingrid Bergman, Dwight Eisenhower, Grace Kelley, Louis Armstrong, Muhammad Ali, Paul Newman, and many others. He had also the special documentary related about crime, school segregation, poverty, return of U.S, and others.

Gordon Parks Facts 8:  First Film

He had directed his first film entitled the Learning Tree. He even had made many other films later. He gained his name among people as The Poet and His Camera.

Gordon Parks

Gordon Parks

Gordon Parks Facts 9: other activities

He had many careers in his life. He later continued to write, compose, photograph, and also paint. Those activities are considered to be so much important indeed.

Gordon Parks Facts 10: success

In his success, he recalled his schoolteacher who instructed not to bother with college or can suffer from difficulty in getting job.

When people think facts about Gordon Parks can help them to study about this man biography, it is true. Even they can gather more from any different sources to get more and more information about him. Always be attentive about it.

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