10 Interesting Flamenco Dancing Facts
Flamenco Dancing facts are unique for people. It is true that many of you have gained interest about dancing hobby. In this case, I really want to say that Flamenco dancing is one of most quality dancing for people. So, let’s start to discuss the facts.
Flamenco Dancing Facts 1: Spanish Culture
First fact is about the origin. Flamenco dancing is the part of Spanish culture. Yet, you may find out that its origin can be traced to Andalusia. The growth of such dancing may gain involvement from Murcia, Extremadura, Latin America, and also Cuba.
Flamenco Dancing Facts 2: mixture of culture
Flamenco dancing also has the composition or mixture of many cultures including Islamic, Andalucian, gypsy, Sephardic, and also Arabic. Therefore, this dancing is unique and also fruitful.
Flamenco Dancing Facts 3: the golden age
There was the golden age of such dancing. It was in the year between 1869 and also 1910. At such years, the music of flamenco and the dancing as well developed on any music cafes. There are many public performances of it as well. The tickets were charged as well.
Flamenco Dancing Facts 4: palos
The music of flamenco holds important part within the flamenco dance. People call such music styles as Palos. It is in Spanish. If you review out there, you can find more than 50 different palos. Yet, some of them are hardly ever performed.
Flamenco Dancing Facts 5: baile
Many people also widely recognize this flamenco dance as baile. So, what is the name of people who often conduct flamenco dancing? They call it as bailaor for the male and also bailaora for the female.
Flamenco Dancing Facts 6: improvisation
People can conduct improvisation while they do flamenco dancing. The improvisation is usually triggered by the handclapping from the audience and also the beat and rhythm of the guitar. The dancer will do spontaneous movement to fulfill the atmosphere with the song.
Flamenco Dancing Facts 7: Roman Empire
You can also find the dance by tracing it to the Roman Empire era. It was in the writings of Pliny, Martial, and also Strabo.
Flamenco Dancing Facts 8: traditional vs. modern
Classical flamenco fans consider the modern flamenco may twist the originality of the dance. It is because any modern dancers often conduct commercialization from such dance.
Flamenco Dancing Facts 9: summer time
The festivals of Flamenco are held in the summer time. It is usually in Andalusia.
Flamenco Dancing Facts 10: various dancing costumes
The dancing costumes vary. Women may use black, deep blue, red, or also white cocktail dress. They also wear high heels.
Reading facts about Flamenco Dancing is necessary for those who love to dance. It is unique dancing which also offers fun.