10 Interesting Ben Franklin Facts

Tuesday, September 3rd 2013. | People

Find out more prominent figures on the American history by reading the Ben Franklin facts. Ben Franklin is always noted with his printing press. When his life ended, he still talked about printer. He was the writer of the controversial feminist writing that you can read on Silence Dogood letter. The letter then was published in The New England Courant. It was his brother’s newspaper. Read more about Ben Franklin facts here:

Ben Franklin Facts 1: An Expert Swimmer

Many people do not know that Ben Franklin is an expert swimmer when he was still a teenager. He showed his friend during a trip to London that he performed any kinds of underwater and feat on the Thames River.

Ben Franklin Facts 2: Pennsylvania Gazette Newspaper

Pennsylvania Gazette newspaper was owned by Ben Franklin when he was only 22 years old. The main job of this printing company was to make the paper money for Delaware and Pennsylvania.

Ben and Kites

Ben and Kites

Ben Franklin Facts 3: Pennsylvania Assembly

His career grew up as he was elected as the clerk in Pennsylvania Assembly. He was in charge to print the business and law. He also printed newspaper in Philadelphia.

Ben Franklin Facts 4: Language Capability

Ben Franklin spoke several languages such as Italian, Spanish, Latin and French. His knowledge developed the face of Philadelphia by designing the lighting and paving in the state. Find more prominent people in US by checking the facts about George W Bush.

Ben Franklin and His Invention

Ben Franklin and His Invention

Ben Franklin Facts 5: Library Company of Philadelphia

It seems that Ben Franklin realized the importance of books. Thus, he opened the Library Company of Philadelphia when he was 21 years old. This library displayed books, scientific apparatus and specimen of natural history. You can see the collection of a dead pelican, snakes and fossil.

Ben Franklin Facts 6: Electricity

His experiment about electricity was made when he was 41 years old. He got an experiment apparatus in a form of glass tube in 1747.  Here are electricity facts for more ideas.

Ben Franklin Dollar

Ben Franklin Dollar

Ben Franklin Facts 7: Single Fluid Theory

Ben Franklin definitely is a good scientist. He created a single fluid theory. It inspired other scientists to develop more the field of electricity.

Ben Franklin Facts 8: Chief Delegate to the Albany Congress

In 1754, Ben Franklin was made as the chief delegate to the Albany Congress.

Famous Ben Franklin

Famous Ben Franklin

Ben Franklin Facts 9: Insurance Company

The first insurance company in colonies was created by Ben Franklin in 1751. The name of the insurance is so long. It is called as Philadelphia Contributor ship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire.

Ben Franklin Facts 10: Franklin stove

Franklin stove is another invention that people recognized when they talk about Ben Franklin. It is also called as Pennsylvanian fireplace.

Ben Franklin Facts

Ben Franklin Facts

The invention of the stove is not for profitable venture even though Ben could be rich because of his invention. He only stated that he wanted the American people safe and warm when sitting at their home with the stove. Are you fascinated with facts about Ben Franklin?

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