10 Interesting Wilbur Wright Facts
Wilbur Wright Facts inform us with the person who successfully created first airplane along with his brother, Orville. Wright Brothers are very famous in the aviation world. He was born in 1867 in Indiana. Orville was his younger brother. The brothers were successful for developing the first power-driven airplane on 17th December 1903. Check other interesting facts about Wilbur Wright by reading the below post:
Wilbur Wright Facts 1: the impressive achievement
Wright Brothers had amazing achievement, which changed the aviation world. They developed airplane. Wilbur was capable to fly the airplane to reach the distance of 852 feet for 59 seconds.
Wilbur Wright Facts 2: the title
The fathers of modern aviation are used to call the Wright Brothers due to their achievement related to the development of first free controlled airplane.
Wilbur Wright Facts 3: death
On 30th May 1912, Wilbur passed away in Dayton, Ohio. In the family, there were five children in the family. Wilbur was the middle child.
Wilbur Wright Facts 4: parents
Susan Catherine Koerner Wright was the mother of Wilbur. His father was a bishop in Church of the United Brethren. His name was Milton Wright. Check facts about W.E.B Dubois here.
Wilbur Wright Facts 5: the playmate
The playmate of Wilbur when he was a child was Orville, his younger brother. The latter one was born in 1871.
Wilbur Wright Facts 6: the personality
Wilbur had the robust and outgoing personality. During the school time, he was an excellent student. He liked to study. He had a plan to pursue higher education at Yale. However, he was in the state of depression after a serious injury during an ice hockey game. That is why he had no high school diploma.
Wilbur Wright Facts 7: the family’s home
Wilbur decided to spend his time in the family home by reading books and looking after his mother. In 1889, his mother passed away because of TBC.
Wilbur Wright Facts 8: newspaper
Orville became a publisher, while Wilbur was an editor when the brothers had their own newspaper in 1889. Get facts about Will Smith here.
Wilbur Wright Facts 9: a bike shop
The brothers also had a bike shop for they developed an interest for bike. They also created bikes using their developed design.
Wilbur Wright Facts 10: developing airplanes
The Wright Brothers were interested to involve in various mechanical projects. Otto Lilienthal was the German aviator whose research was also noticed by the brothers. They decided to begin the experiment of flight after the death of Lilienthal in a glider crash.
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