10 Interesting the Victorian Era Facts
The Victorian Era Facts inform us about the period characterized with prosperity and peace in Great Britain. It was called the Victorian Era due to the reign of Queen of Victorian. It started on June 20th, 1837. It ended when Queen Victoria passed away on January 22nd, 1901. Edwardian period is the predecessor, while Georgian period is the successor of Victorian period.
The Victorian Era Facts 1: the peace
Victorian Era was seen a peaceful era in term of international relations. However, the peace was interrupted by the presence of Crimean War. The Boer War took place at the end of Victorian Period.
The Victorian Era Facts 2: the significant figures
Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone were the prime ministers who played an important role during the Victorian period. Both had different point views.
The Victorian Era Facts 3: the point of view of the prime ministers
Queen Victoria did not trust Gladstone for he was a liberal. On the other hand, the queen was in favor with Disraeli.
The Victorian Era Facts 4: the population
In 1851, people who lived in Wales and England were 16.8 million individuals. In 1901, the population was doubled into 30.5 million people. Look at facts about Victorian Cross here.
The Victorian Era Facts 5: the population of Scotland
The population of Scotland was 4.4 million people in 1901. In 1851, it was only inhabited by 2.8 million people.
The Victorian Era Facts 6: the population of Ireland
The Great Famine, which struck Ireland, decreased the population rapidly. In 1901, Ireland was only inhabited by 4.5 million people. In 1841, it was a home for 8.2 million people.
The Victorian Era Facts 7: the House of Commons
The primary parties, which controlled the House of Commons, were the Conservatives and the Whigs/Liberals.
The Victorian Era Facts 8: the notable political leaders
Lord Salisbury, Benjamin Disraeli, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Melbourne, William Ewart Gladstone and Lord Derby were some notable statesmen during the period.
The Victorian Era Facts 9: the architecture
The Victorian era witnessed the battles of classical and gothic architectural styles.
The Victorian Era Facts 10: the entertainment
Literature was considered as the most important form of entertainment in the era. People liked to attend opera, drama and music. Some prominent authors included Charlotte Brontë, Arthur Conan Doyle, William Makepeace Thackeray and Charles Dickens. Get facts about Queen Victoria here.
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