10 Interesting the Bubonic Plague Facts

Wednesday, March 2nd 2016. | Diseases

If you want to know the Black Death which swept around 25 to 60 percent of the people who lived in Europe in 1348 until 1351, check The Bubonic Plague Facts. There were around two third of the population killed because of the plague epidemic. The source which talked about the number of the dead people is varied. The current source stated that the Bubonic plague killed around 75 to 2000 million people.

The Bubonic Plague Facts 1: the name of the plague

People called it the Pestilence or the Great Mortality during the plague. But most people use the word the Black Death to call it now.

The Bubonic Plague Facts 2: the end of the plaque

In 1351, the Bubonic plague ended. However, some people still experienced it until the late 15th century.

The Bubonic Plague

The Bubonic Plague

The Bubonic Plague Facts 3: the second plague

During the middle Ages, the bubonic plague was considered as the second plague pandemic which killed a lot of people. The first plague was the Justinian Plague. It took place in 6th century, but the Bubonic plague was more severe.

The Bubonic Plague Facts 4: the growth of population

In Europe, the population grew rapidly. At that time, the food for human and rats was scarce because of the heavy rains and cold weather. The crops were wiped out. Therefore, the cities were crowded by the people and animals.

The Bubonic Plague Pic

The Bubonic Plague Pic

The Bubonic Plague Facts 5: the first victims

In 1338 and 1339, the people recognized the first victims died because of the bubonic plague.

The Bubonic Plague Facts 6: the cause of the plague

The experts believed that the Bubonic plague which occurred in Europe was caused by Y. Pestis or Yersinia pestis. It was a bacillus. It lived on the fleas of rats. It was very common for the house occupied by rats during the medieval era. Find facts about smallpox here.

The Bubonic Plague Image

The Bubonic Plague Image

The Bubonic Plague Facts 7: the research

In the past, some experts believed that it was caused by typhus or anthrax. Now most of them believe that it was caused by Y. pestis. Get facts about rabies here.

The Bubonic Plague Facts 8: the study

The presence of Y. Pestis was spotted in 20 samples of three victims of Bubonic plague during the study in November 2000.

The Bubonic Plague Facts

The Bubonic Plague Facts

The Bubonic Plague Facts 9: the varieties of plague

There were three varieties of plagues caused by Y. Pestis. The bites of infected fleas caused bubonic plague.

The Bubonic Plague Facts 10: the mortality rate

When a human was caught by the bubonic plague, the mortality rate was around 30 percent to 75 percent.

Facts about The Bubonic Plague

Facts about The Bubonic Plague

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