8 Interesting Road Safety Facts
Road Safety Facts give the interesting idea about the measures or methods to decrease the risk of having the injury or getting killed on the road. There are many people using the road such as the passengers of on road public transport, passengers, motorist, cyclists, pedestrians and many more. Let’s find out more facts about road safety by reading the following post below:
Road Safety Facts 1: the safe road design
The safe road design is used to make sure that the vehicle’s speed is within the tolerance of human being. Therefore, the risk of having injury or getting killed can be reduced.
Road Safety Facts 2: the road transportation safety
The road transportation safety includes the checks on the safety processes, vehicles and drivers. Therefore, the safety can be validated and monitored.
Road Safety Facts 3: the people killed in the road
Can you mention the number of the people getting killed per year in the road? It is estimated that more than 1 million people are killed in road per year based on the report of WHO or World Health Organization.
Road Safety Facts 4: the traffic collisions
Let’s find out the number of the people killed in the traffic collisions. It is estimated that 1.2 million people were killed and 50 million people were injured in the traffic collision based on the estimated report by WHO per year on the road. It is also included as one of the main causes which make the children at the age of 10 to 19 years died.
Road Safety Facts 5: the estimated vehicle speed
It is difficult to measure the injury because it is caused by the severe or sudden deceleration or acceleration. But the vehicle speed before the crash can be estimated by using the crash construction technique.
Road Safety Facts 6: the intervention
If you check out the modern road safety paradigm, it will be easier for you to define and identify the interventions. The roundabouts are a good approach to reduce the speed of a vehicle.
Road Safety Facts 7: modern safety barriers
The next way to reduce the risk of injury or crash is using the modern safety barriers. They are designed to lower the risk for bystanders and occupants of the cars. Get facts about police officers here.
Road Safety Facts 8: the poor weather
The poor weather also affects the safety of the people when they use the road. Therefore, most roads are made in crowned or cambered design. Therefore, this design can reduce the standing ice and water.
Are you interested with facts about road safety?