8 Interesting Pet Facts

Friday, October 10th 2014. | Animals

Pet Facts present the ideas about the interesting pets in the world. Dog is still on the top position when people want to have a pet. This animal is very playful, loving and caring. If you do not like a dog as a pet, you can choose many other animals as friends at home such cat, fish, frog, hamster, rabbit, chicken and many more. Here are some interesting pet facts:

Pet Facts 1: a duck

A duck is not really a popular pet, but the people who live near the freshwater area like to have a duck as their pet.  If you think that a duck must like Donald Duck, you have the wrong perception. This animal is very dirty if you never wash the fur.

Pet Facts 2: The Newfoundland breed

The Newfoundland breed is one of the most popular breeds of dog. This animal is not only caring but also helpful.  This breed has the webbed feet and water resistant coat so that they can save people who have risk of drowning inside the water. The main purpose of breeding the dog is to help the fishermen hauling the nets.

Pet Cat

Pet Cat

Pet Facts 3: the dogs in Titanic

There were three lucky dogs which can be saved from the Titanic sinking. All of them were from the first class cabin.  One was the Pekingese and the two dogs were Pomeranians.

Pet Facts 4: puppies and adults dogs

Kids decide to have puppies rather than the adult dogs. Why? Puppies look cute due to the small size. The adult dogs are more preferable for the adult and senior people. Do you know that the normal adult dogs have 32 teeth? The puppies only own 28 teeth. Get facts about dogs here.

Pet Dog

Pet Dog

Pet Facts 5: seeing in the dark

It is very easy for a dog to see in the dark because their eyes are having tapetum lucidum. It is special membrane which covers the eyes of the dogs which enable them to have clear vision in the dark.

Pet Facts 6: bird

Another popular pet in the world is bird. Kids and adults love to have bird which can produce sound such as parrot. The beautiful colors of the bird also increase the price. You can find out parrots in blue, green and or even red color.

Pet Facts

Pet Facts

Pet Facts 7: activities with cats

Cat is a good pet to have for the people who do not want an active animal at home. You can train the cat to perform various activities such as jumping through the hoops and catching the toys.

Pet Facts 8: hamster

If you want to give kids a present, you can send him or her hamster. This small animal is cute and funny. You can have hamster living alone. It can create quarrelsome if you place two hamsters in the same cage.

Pet Pic

Pet Pic

Pet To Take Care

Pet To Take Care

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