10 Interesting James I Facts
James I facts can be your basic in how to gain better info related to this famous woman in India. There are many things that you don’t really know about this woman actually. The information below can be your basic to understand about her.
James I Facts 1: good Christian
King James I was a Christian who wanted the Bible in the hands of any common man. There was interested fact as well related to it. He commissioned the Authorized King James Bible in 1611 actually.
James I Facts 2: languages
King James I was so much recognized in mastering some languages including English, French, Latin, and Greek. He also had his native Scots. He was schooled in Italian and Spanish as well if you may recognize.
James I Facts 3: writing
He had wrote extensively including the Basilicon Doron or people usually call it as Kingly Gift. He also wrote Daemonologie and also had tracted many subjects such as “Counterblaste to Tobacco. It was in which he condemned the use of tobacco actually.
James I Facts 4: William Shakespeare
One of his subjects was William Shakespeare. It was the writing and learning in which thrived under the King’s reign.
James I Facts 5: foundation
King James I actually had formed the foundation which was widely recognized as British Empire. The purpose was to unite warring tribes of Scotland. It later enjoined the crowns of England and also Scotland in 1603.
James I Facts 6: King of Scotland
He became the King of Scotland in 1566. It was when he 13 month old. Later, he obtained the English throne in the year 1603.
James I Facts 7: John Knox
The reformation leader named John Knox read the sermon of King James when he crowned King. It is basic fact to know for you.
James I Facts 8: racism
He actually suffered from racism as a Scot which rule over the English. Yet, he had the love and admiration in many ways.
James I Facts 9: crippling arthritis
He suffered from crippling arthritis, abdominal colic, weak limbs, and others. He also suffered from many other chronic illnesses. He even got his physical handicaps affecting tongue and legs.
James I Facts 10: mother
His mother was Mary Queen of Scots. It was the one who was deposed in 1567. The father was Lord Darnley who was murdered in 1567.
If you want to get more facts about James I, I recommend you to do review online first from the internet. It will be your basic consideration actually.