10 Interesting Hagia Sophia Facts
Hagia Sophia facts provide the ideas about the interesting and famous building in the world. This church is wonderful because the architecture is very unique and beautiful. This building is visited by many people all over the world. You can enjoy the look of the building by visiting the museum.
Hagia Sophia Facts 1: name
Let’s find out the origin of the name Hagia Sophia. It was derived from the Greek language. Sophia means wisdom. In English, you can translate the name of the building as the shrine of the holy god.
Hagia Sophia Facts 2: Church of Holy Wisdom
The only Church of Holy Wisdom which was not damaged is Hagia Sophia. There are two other churches, but both were completely destroyed.
Hagia Sophia Facts 3: Logos
The construction of Hagia Sophia was to honor and worship Logos. He was the second person in the Holy trinity.
Hagia Sophia Facts 4: decoration
The most famous decoration located inside Hagia Sophia when it was still a church is the 50 foot silver iconostasis. If you want to see this decoration, you need to see it on the museum now.
Hagia Sophia Facts 5: mosque
Now the church is converted into a mosque. There are several things on Hagia Sophia eliminated during the conversion. You will never see the iconostasis, sacrificing vessels, bells and alters.
Hagia Sophia Facts 6: dome
The dome that Hagia Sophia has is very big. The size of the dome can only be beaten by Patheon in Rome.
Hagia Sophia Facts 7: Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
In 1935, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk converted Hagia Sophia into a museum. He was the first president of Turkey.
Hagia Sophia Facts 8: inspiration
The architecture for the exterior and interior of Hagia Sophia was highly inspired from the style of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque and Blue Mosque. For more than 100 years, this building is considered as the important church for the eastern orthodox people.
Hagia Sophia Facts 9: features inside Hagia Sophia
Today, you can see many different kinds of items influenced by the Christian and Islamic religion. All of them are displayed on the Hagia Sophia museum.
Hagia Sophia Facts 10: designs
The building was not only designed by the architect. The construction also involved the thinking of a scientist, mathematician and a physicist.
When it was converted into a mosque, the Christian mosaic was plastered. Are you inspired with facts about Hagia Sophia?