10 Interesting Graffiti Facts
If you love to study about art, find out the interesting graffiti facts. Graffiti has the singular word of Graffito. You can find graffiti as the image or letters that you find on the public property. Mostly people can find it on the wall of the building. Here are some facts about graffiti to understand:
Graffiti Facts 1: ancient time
Many people think that graffiti is a product of modern time. It is not true because this act was seen in ancient time. You can find the examples in the Roman Empire and Ancient Greece Empire.
Graffiti Facts 2: images
The images of graffiti are various. You can see it in the form of elaborate wall painting to simple scratch marks.
Graffiti Facts 3: the materials
The materials used to create graffiti on the wall can come in the form of markers or even spray paint. Most of them are used by people in this modern time.
Graffiti Facts 4: vandalism
You can be in charge of vandalism if you create graffiti on the wall of the public or private building without the consent of the property’s owner. You will get punishment because of this act.
Graffiti Facts 5: communication
Many graffiti artist use this form or art as a tool to communicate their political and social message. You can find the wonderful graffiti on the art exhibition and galleries.
Graffiti Facts 6: negative stereotype on graffiti
Many people have negative stereotype of graffiti because they often see the images on some public properties such as the building, bus stop, playground and train.
Graffiti Facts 7: Tagging
Tagging is a term used in the graffiti. It is usually created by writing of the name of the artist. It can be made by using marker or even spray paint.
Graffiti Facts 8: wild style
One of the famous forms of graffiti is wild style. It is created y using the connecting point, arrow and interlocking letters.
Graffiti Facts 9: Stickers
Another type of tool that people can use to create graffiti is stickers. They can also combine it with stylish image. You will need 8 hours to 2 days to create a good image.
Graffiti Facts 10: poor areas
Graffiti has been used by people living in a poor area to create graffiti. If you visit the slum and poor areas, you can find out many graffiti on the wall.
Even though graffiti are always associated with vandalism, there are many artists who create them at the gallery and exhibition. They can increase the positive side of this art. Are you interested with facts about graffiti?