10 Interesting Edward the Confessor Facts
Edward the Confessor facts provide the information about the king of England who got the reign from 1042 to 1066. The death of this man marked the end of the medieval England. You will not notice any Domesday Book, castles and feudalism after his reign. Find out other facts below:
Edward the Confessor Facts 1: date of birth
There is no exact date for the birth of the Edward the Confessor. However, experts estimated that he was born around 1003.
Edward the Confessor Facts 2: parents
Edward the confessor was the son of Ethelred the Unready and Emma of Normandy. He spent most of his childhood time in Normandy. He gained the name the confessor because he had a very strong religious belief. However, he was not really happy with his childhood.
Edward the Confessor Facts 3: Hardicanute
Hardicanute was the king of England. He was the half brother of Edward. In 1040, Edward moved to England after his half brother got the throne of England.
Edward the Confessor Facts 4: death of Hardicanute
The death of Hardicanute marks a new phase in Edward the confessor’s life. He became the king of England after his half brother died in a drinking party in 1042.
Edward the Confessor Facts 5: after became a king
The first thing that Edward did after becoming a king is depriving his mother from her belongings and assets. It made her reduce into poverty. This story is based on the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. He was very mad with his mother because of his lonely and unhappy childhood.
Edward the Confessor Facts 6: marriage
In 1045, Edward the confessor married to the daughter of Godwin of Wessex. Her name was Edith. She came from one of the most important noblemen in England at that time. Since Edward the confessor had followed a vow of celibacy, both had no children.
Edward the Confessor Facts 7: a brawl in Dover, Kent
In 1051, there was a brawl in Dover occurred between the local and a number of Normans. Because Edward was very close with his birthplace, he wanted the people of Dover to get punishment. However, the Earl Godwin refused and raised the army to fight the king.
Edward the Confessor Facts 8: noblemen
Earl Godwin decided to leave England and lived in Flanders, while other two noblemen the earls of Mercia and Northumbria were loyal to the king.
Edward the Confessor Facts 9: angry Witan
Witan are the English advisors who consist of the English noblemen. They were angry after the king increased the numbers of Normans in the court. In 1052, Earl Godwin came back with his army.
Edward the Confessor Facts 10: death of Godwin
Godwin passed away in 1053. His successor was Harold of Wessex. He became the most powerful nobleman in England.
Edward the confessor died in January 1066. His death led to the Norman invasion of October 1066 and the Battle of Hastings. Do you have any comment on facts about Edward the confessor?