10 Interesting Dylan Thomas Facts
Dylan Thomas facts provide the information about one of the inspirational writers in the world. Dylan who had the middle name of Marlais gained its fame after he had published many interesting books. One of them is Under Milk Wood. Find out about this fascinating writer below:
Dylan Thomas Facts 1: date of birth
Dylan Thomas was on 27 October 1914 in Swansea, West Glamorgan, Wales. This date reminds people with the beginning of the WW I.
Dylan Thomas Facts 2: Marlais
As I have stated before, Marlias is the middle name of Dylan Thomas. It means Voice of the sea.
Dylan Thomas Facts 3: parents
The name of his father was D.J. Thomas. He works as a teacher in Swansea Grammar School. He was considered as the Senior English master.
Dylan Thomas Facts 4: newspaper
After Dylan left his school, he worked for a short period of time in South Wales Evening Post. He worked there from August 1931 to December 1932 as a junior reporter.
Dylan Thomas Facts 5: wife
Caitlin McNamara was the name of Dylan Thomas’ wife. He was born on 8th December 1913 in Hammersmith London. She had an Irish decent.
Dylan Thomas Facts 6: marriage life
Dylan and Caitlin decided to marry each other on July 11th, 1937. Both had three children. Those were Llewelyn, Aeronwy and Colum.
Dylan Thomas Facts 7: Brown’s Hotel
Between May 1938 and July 1940, Dylan and Caitlin lived in Brown’s Hotel. When he wrote his book, he would go off the hotel. In the evening, he came back in the hotel with his wife for drinking.
Dylan Thomas Facts 8: The Bluebell and the Black Lion
Between September 1944 and the summer of 1945, Dylan and Catlin lived in The Bluebell and The Black Lion. They are the public houses located in New Quay.
Dylan Thomas Facts 9: short stories
The famous book of Dylan Thomas containing short stories was published on April 4th 1940. It was entitled ‘Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog”. He got the title from the James’s Joyce book.
Dylan Thomas Facts 10: the most famous works
The most famous works of Dylan Thomas include the A Play for Voices and Under Milk Wood.
When he was only 39, he died on November 9th, 1953 in St. Vincent’s Hospital New York. The cause of the death is because of alcoholic poisoning. Do you have any opinion on facts about Dylan Thomas?