9 Interesting BP Oil Spill Facts
BP oil spill facts inform you with the environmental tragedy. The ocean was polluted with a lot of spill from the oil. Many under water animals and plants killed because of the oil spill. It was not easy for the people to remove the oil spill in a short time. People did anything to eliminate the spill and make the ocean fresh and clean again. Here are some BP oil spill facts:
BP Oil Spill Facts 1: Safety on the Deep-Water Horizon
Safety on the Deep-water Horizon is celebrated by BP to commemorate the accident of natural gas explosion. There were 11 killed crews of BP. The day for the commemoration is on 20 April.
BP Oil Spill Facts 2: Kevin Costner
Kevin Costner spent his $24 million cash from his own pocket to create a giant vacuum cleaner to remove the oil spill. This machine is great to separate the oil from the water quickly.
BP Oil Spill Facts 3: Shrimp and Petroleum Festival
Shrimp and Petroleum Festival was conducted as it was planned before in Louisiana. The 75th festival was the tradition of the local people to increase the seafood business in the state.
BP Oil Spill Facts 4: Walruses in the Gulf of Mexico
Walruses were listed by BP as one of the sensitive biological resources in the Gulf of Mexico. For those who think the similar ways should notice that walruses are resided on the arctic.
BP Oil Spill Facts 5: Soviet Union
In 1996 to 1977, a report made by Newspaper Pravda stated that Soviet Union shut down the oil well blowout by using the nuclear weapons. The paper continued by suggesting the US government to adopt the similar ways.
BP Oil Spill Facts 6: Endangered Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtles
Turtles such as endangered Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles like to travel a lot on the ocean. To save them, thy have to be airlifted from Mexican to the Gulf coasts.
BP Oil Spill Facts 7: Royalties
For every drop of oil spill on the ocean, BP has to spend royalties. The company has to pay $35 million for the taxes for the oil spill.
BP Oil Spill Facts 8: The Relations between the US and Cuba
The Cuban government blamed US because the oil spill damaged the nesting area for the green sea turtles, mangroves, and coral reefs.
BP Oil Spill Facts 9: Conspiracy Theory
Michael Brown thinks that the BP oil spill is a part of conspiracy theory.
Many animals were reported died at the oil spill. The water is filled with a lot of chemicals and toxic. It is unsafe for the animals to swim along the gulf. It seems that people have to concern more so that the accident will never occurred again in the future. Do you have any more ideas on facts about BP Oil Spill?