10 Interesting Auschwitz Facts

Saturday, October 19th 2013. | History

If you want to know one of the largest concentration camps for the polish intelligentsia and resistance, you need to look at Auschwitz in 1940. Then the camps were expanded to accommodate all prisoners from Soviet in 1941 to 1942. Find out other surprising facts of Auschwitz in the following post below:

Auschwitz Facts 1: Size of Auschwitz

Auschwitz concentration camp was very big and large because it had three parts. It was located on the 25 square miles of land. The original camp was called as Auschwitz I. Auschwitz II was used as the extermination camp. It was also called as Birkenau. Auschwitz II was for chemical plant.

Auschwitz Facts 2: Satellite

There were smaller satellites located inside the Auschwitz. It also contained an exclusion zone. That’s why this camp was called as the largest one when all the construction was completed.

Auschwitz Camps

Auschwitz Camps

Auschwitz Facts 3: Murder

The Jewish people who become the prisoners in the Auschwitz were murdered in gas chambers. They will be sent directly to the gas chamber with naked body. They tell them that it was a shower.

Auschwitz Facts 4: “Arbeit macht frei”

“Arbeit macht frei” was seen on the front gate of Auschwitz camp. It means “work sets you free”. When people entered the camp, the Nazi gave them false hope by thinking that they would be free if they worked in the camp.



Auschwitz Facts 5: Commandant

The first commandant in Commandant Camp was Rudolf Hoess. In March 1946, he was caught and faced the trial. In April 1947, he was hanged on the entrance gate of Auschwitz camp.

Auschwitz Facts 6: Auschwitz III

Auschwitz III was also called as Monowitz.  It was owned by IG Farben. It was the palce where many prisoners had to work to create many types of chemicals.

Auschwitz VictimsAuschwitz Victims

Auschwitz Victims

Auschwitz Facts 7: Sonderkommando

Sonderkommando was the prisoners whose job was to assist the German Nazi in the crematorium. To keep everything secret, German Nazi killed Sonderkommando randomly.

Auschwitz Facts 8: Experiment on Human Being

Josef Mengele was the famous doctor who made an experiment on the prisoner while in Auschwitz camp. He was interested more to conduct the experiment on twins and kids.



Auschwitz Facts 9: A Revolt

There was a revolt occurred in Auschwitz II. Some prisoners who helped the German Nazi on the crematorium damaged the Crematorium IV. The women who worked outside camp used the explosive to destroy the gas chamber. However, SS easily handled the incident.

Auschwitz Facts 10: Allied Forces

The allied force which liberated Auschwitz was the Soviet Union on January 27, 1945. Most prisoners had been killed on the chamber. There were only 7,500 people saved from the camp.

Kids at Auschwitz

Kids at Auschwitz

People always remember holocaust as a sorrowful history. Many Jewish people were killed at that time. Now 27 January was used as a holocaust memorial day. Please give some comment on facts about Auschwitz.

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