10 Interesting Latin America Facts

Thursday, June 5th 2014. | Countries

Latin America facts present the information about popular destination in American continent. Latin America makes people amazed with the distinctive culture, clothing, food and places. Here are the interesting facts about Latin America to know:

Latin America Facts 1: two historical soccer rivals

There are two historical soccer rivals located in South America. Both are Argentina and Brazil. Both countries are in love with soccer. In 2014, Brazil will be the host of the FIFA world Club. Many people around the world will gather here and enjoy the game.

Latin America Facts 2: vehicle owners

Do you know that the country with the 10th highest vehicle owner in located in Brazil? Can you imagine the traffic jam in the country with a lot of vehicles?

Latin America Animals

Latin America Animals

Latin America Facts 3: Andes

The second highest mountain system in the world is located in Andes. The highest peak of the Andes mountain system is Mount Aconcagua. The peak of this mountain is measured at 7,021 meters.

Latin America Facts 4: Jorge Bergoglio

Jorge Bergoglio became the Francis. He was considered as the first one elected from Latin America. You need to know that 70 percent of the people in Latin American embrace Catholic.

Latin America Brazil

Latin America Brazil

Latin America Facts 5: Peru

Talking the population of the people in Peru, 5 percent of them have Chinese origin. In Brazil, you can find 1 million Asian people.

Latin America Facts 6: El Salvador

The smallest country located in Central America is El Salvador.

Latin America Facts

Latin America Facts

Latin America Facts 7: Colombia

Emerald is one of the most expensive stones in the world.   The country in Latin America which produces 60 percent of the most expensive emerald in the world is Colombia.

Latin America Facts 8: Angel Falls

Angel Falls is a good waterfall that you can visit in Latin America. It is considered as the highest waterfall in the world. You just have to go to south eastern Venezuela.

Latin America Mexico

Latin America Mexico

Latin America Facts 9: Lake Titicaca

If you want to know the lake located on the top of a mountain, you need to go to Lake Titicaca. The location of this lake is between two countries of Bolivia and Peru. Check Lake Titicaca facts here.

Latin America Facts 10: Atacama Desert

Atacama Desert is one of the driest deserts in the world. The desert is in Northern Chile. It was a surprising fact to know that in 1972 the desert received rain.

Latin America Ruins

Latin America Ruins

Coffee is one of the important productions in Latin America. It has 60 percent of the work share based on the report of the International Coffee organization. Do you have any opinion on facts about Latin America?

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