10 Interesting Death Valley Facts

Saturday, June 22nd 2013. | Places

Get the right info about the lowest point in US by reading the Death Valley facts. The location of Death Valley is on Mojave dessert. It is also a part of Death Valley National Park in California. The elevation of Death Valley is -86 meter or -282 feet. Death Valley is named as the driest and hottest place in US.

Death Valley Facts 1: Temperatures

The temperatures in Death Valley are diverse. On January, the temperature lies at 39.9 F. The highest temperature in Furnace Creek can speed up at 113.9 F. When the summer time comes, the temperature can drop at 100 F.

Death Valley Facts 2: Geology in Death Valley

Death Valley is the lowest point in US. It is surrounded by dry high mountains. The topography of Death Valley is constructed based on the fault movement. It leads the valley to go down and makes it as the lowest point in the country.

Death Valley California

Death Valley California

Death Valley Facts 3: Salt Pans

Once, Death Valley was a large inland set in the era of Pleistocene epoch. It is proved by the presence of salt pans. In Holocene era, earth is warm so that the water in Death Valley evaporated.

Death Valley Facts 4: land in Death Valley

Death Valley occupies the land about 7,800 square kilometers or 3,000 square miles. Death Valley is bounded by Owlshead Mountains to the south, Panamint Range to the west, Amargosa Range to the east, and Sylvania Mountains to the north.

Death Valley Facts

Death Valley Facts

Death Valley Facts 5: Mount Whitney

Mount Whitney spans 76 miles or 123 kilometers away from Death Valley. The mountain is considered as the highest point in US. The elevation is measured at 4,421 meters or 14,505 feet.

Death Valley Facts 6: Climate in Death Valley

If you go to Death Valley, you can see that this place has an arid climate. The mountains along the Death Valley are hot. It was on July 10, 1913 when Death Valley had the high temperature at 134 F.

Death Valley

Death Valley

Death Valley Facts 7: Vegetation

When talking about the vegetation in the hot area like in Death Valley, you cannot find any greenery. You can only see the low lying shrubs.

Death Valley Facts 8: Animal Habitat

Death Valley is a home to some animals like reptiles, birds and mammals. You can see kit foxes, bobcats, coyotes, mountain lions and big horn sheep living here.

Dry Death Valley

Dry Death Valley

Death Valley Facts 9: Native American Tribes

The Timbisha tribe lives in Death Valley for more than 1000 years ago until this present day.

Death Valley Facts 10: National Monument

You can find a National Monument in Death Valley. It was inaugurated by President Herbert Hoover On February 11, 1933. Then it is made as a national park in 1994.

Hot Death Valley

Hot Death Valley

You can visit Death Valley National Park in California if you want to know the lowest pint in US. Don’t forget to take pictures in the national moment as a good memory. What have you learned from the facts about Death Valley above?

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