10 Interesting Henry II Facts
Find out the short biography of the king of England by reading the post of Henry II facts. Henry II is an important man in England. The people who like to study about the British royal family need to read the facts him to broaden the knowledge. Find out about him below:
Henry II Facts 1: nationality
Let’s talk about the nationality of Henry II. He was born with English and French nationality.
Henry II Facts 2: Geoffrey of Anjou
Geoffrey of Anjou was the father of Henry II. The word Angevin was originated from the word Anjou.
Henry II Facts 3: nickname
Do you know the nickname of Henry II? He was called Curt Mantle. He gained the nickname because he often wore the practical short cloaks. Another nick name of his was The Lion of Justice. He got it from his grandfather, Henry I. He was called Fitz Empress since he was the son of the Empress Matilda.
Henry II Facts 4: Plantagenet
Plantagenet looked like a surname of the king of England. You can find the spray of the broom blossom of a French plant called genet on the cap of the King Henry II.
Henry II Facts 5: life and reign
Henry sat as the king of England from 1154 to 1189. He lived from 1133 to 1189. He was born on March 5th 1133 at Le Mans.
Henry II Facts 6: parents and grandfather
Henry II was the son of Geoffrey of Anjou and Queen Matilda. He was the grandson of King Henry I.
Henry II Facts 7: Eleanor of Aquitaine
When Henry II became a king, he decided to marry Eleanor of Aquitaine on May 18th 1152. There were several children that the couple had. Those were Henry the Young King, Richard I, Geoffrey, Duke of Brittany, Matilda, Duchess of Saxony, Leonora of England, Joan Plantagenet and John.
Henry II Facts 8: the illegitimacy children
There were two illegitimate children that King Henry II had. Both were Geoffrey and William de Longespee. Geoffrey was the archbishop of York, while William was the third earl of Salisbury.
Henry II Facts 9: the throne of England
He got the throne of England in 1154. On December 19th 1154, he got his coronation ceremony.
Henry II Facts 10: characters and personality
Henry II has good personality and characters. He was considered as a spirited, determined, strong and clever king.
On July 6th 1189, King Henry II died at the Chateau Chinon. His burial was in Fontevraud Abbey. Are you fascinated with facts about King Henry II?