10 Interesting Edmund Rice Facts
Let’s find out the life and journey of the famous Roman Catholic missionary and educationalist by reading Edmund Rice Facts. This man was born on 1 June 1762 and passed away on 29 August 1844 with the full name Blessed Edmund Ignatius Rice. There were two religious institutes of religious brother that he established. Both were the Presentation Brothers and Congregation of Christian Brothers. Here are other facts about Edmund Rice for you
Edmund Rice Facts 1: place of birth
Rice was born in Ireland in 1762. Do you know that it was an era where the Penal Laws restricted the Catholics? Rice was a still a teenager when the reforms started in 1778. Get facts about Ireland here.
Edmund Rice Facts 2: business
Before he was a missionary, Rice was a successful businessman. Then he devoted his life to education after he experienced a tragic accident. His wife was killed during the accident, and his daughter was disabled. He became a national icon since he wanted to serve the poor and talked about education.
Edmund Rice Facts 3: education and traditions
Edmund Rice established a system of education and traditions which adopted by Christians Brothers and Presentations Brothers in the world.
Edmund Rice Facts 4: parents
Let’s find out the parents of Edmund Rice. His mother was Margaret Rice and his father was Robert Rice. There were seven sons in the family and Rice was the fourth son. In the first marriage of his mother, he had two half sisters. Both were Jane and Joan Murphy.
Edmund Rice Facts 5: education
The Rice sons could only earn their education at home. The teacher was Patrick Grace. He was a member of Augustinian friars in Callan.
Edmund Rice Facts 6: going to school
Rice could attend the school for two years in the City of Kilkenny. Even though the penal laws were still applied in Ireland, the authorities found it hard to apply it in that city.
Edmund Rice Facts 7: charitable work
He decided to focus on the charitable works and prayer after the accident that he faced before. He wanted to serve the poor and marginalized people in Waterford. He would give education to the people without any charge.
Edmund Rice Facts 8: religious vow
Under the authority of Bishop Power of Waterfront, Edmund Rice took the religious vows in 1808. Get facts about Christianity here.
Edmund Rice Facts 9: leaving
Rice left the North Richmond Street Community to relocate to Mount Sion in Waterfront in February 1838.
Edmund Rice Facts 10: death
On 29 August 1844, Edmund Rice died at Mount Sion.
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