10 Interesting Hans Zimmer Facts
Hans Zimmer facts for some people have become so much popular. This person had inspired many people. What I really want to say is about how you can really discuss in how to be able to get further info related to him.
Hans Zimmer Facts 1: Santa Monica-based music studio
Hans Zimmer was the co founder along with Jay Rifkin of Santa Monica-based music studio Media Ventures. There are many housed composers there such as Harry Gregson, Mark Mancina, Rupert Gregson Williams, John Powell, Steve Jablonsky, and many others. In fact, you can find many other world composers there.
Hans Zimmer Facts 2: Gladiator
His Gladiator in 2000 had become one of the best selling film score albums for all the time. This had made his name gaining more and more popularity around the world indeed.
Hans Zimmer Facts 3: self taught
He really was self taught. He conducted learning for everything that he knows through the experimenting and also collaboration.
Hans Zimmer Facts 4: inspiration
In learning facts about Hans Zimmer, you need to know as well about his inspiration. You may recognize that he had gained inspiration from Ennie Morricone’s The Mission in the year 1986.
Hans Zimmer Facts 5: Laura Stern
There was reason why he was chosen for the Laura Stern movie in 2004. It was because of the interview where he said that any German producers had forgotten about him in making German language movie.
Hans Zimmer Facts 6: Crimson Tide
Any fans and also industry insiders within the film music world credit Crimson Tide (1995) as the turning point of Hans’ career.
Hans Zimmer Facts 7: collaboration
The main reason why he conducted collaboration with different composers is because that is how he learned. By gaining collaboration with other composers of Media Ventures, he gained many experiences from it indeed.
Hans Zimmer Facts 8: favorite movie theme
Hen had his favorite movie theme such as Assault on Precinct 13. It was on 1976. It was made by John Carpenter actually.
Hans Zimmer Facts 9: Steven Spielberg
He had fans which is a famous person. It is Steven Spielberg. This fact is so much astonishing indeed.
Hans Zimmer Facts 10: The Dark Knight
He said within an interview that he may retire after The Dark Knight. He said that he had gained exhaustion from his work. What he wanted to do was to help any young composers to do their work.
The facts about Hans Zimmer can be your basics in how to learn about his life and his works. More people have gained good information in how to get the further facts whether by using internet or other basic source of information.